I have taken the backup of a1111@prod user using the below command. User was added to default tablespace to AA.
exp a1111/a1111 file=a1111.dmp log=a1111.log compress=y
Now I am trying to import the dump into another user b1111@dev. User was added to default tablespace to BB.
Here in this dev database also I have the same tablespace AA. But the user b1111 is maappped to BB tablespace.
When I have tried to import the dump a1111.dmp into b1111 all the objects are getting imported into AA tablespace itself
but i want these objects to be imported into BB tablespace. Used the below command to import.
imp b1111/b1111 file=a1111.dmp log=a1111_imp.log full=y ignore=y grants=n commit=y resumable=y
Please suggest what needs to be done to import the a1111.dmp objects into BB tablespace? Thank you.