I need to call the WebUtil File_Open_Dialog funtion with multiple file types but I can't figure out how to do this with a single filter.
This works:
:NEW_ATTACHMENT.FILEPATH := WebUtil_File.File_Open_Dialog(
directory_name => null,
file_filter => 'PDF Files (.pdf) |*.PDF|Microsoft Word Documents (.doc) |*.DOC|Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (.xls) |*.xls',
title => 'Please selelct a file');
...but this gives users a drop-down menu where they have to select one of the supported file types before they can see it. What I want to have is a single 'Supported file types' filter which allows users to select ANY of the file types. I thought the syntax might be something like this but it doesn't work.
:NEW_ATTACHMENT.FILEPATH := WebUtil_File.File_Open_Dialog(
directory_name => null,
file_filter => 'Supported file types|*.PDF;*.DOC;*.XLS;*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PNG;*.XML',
title => 'Please selelct a file');
Is this sort of thing possible?
[Updated on: Fri, 27 April 2012 07:58]
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