The index blocks are not cached until they are read. Since index lookups are random,
multiple head movements on the disk slow down the inserts. You can cache the index by:
ECSCDAP1 > alter index SCOTT.PK_EMP storage(buffer_pool keep);
Index altered.
Unless the init.ora parameter "db_keep_cache_size" is set by a DBA,
Oracle ignores the Keep pool and will stuff your index into the default
buffer_pool where it will compete with other less important indexes and tables.
ECSCDAP1 > alter system set db_keep_cache_size=3g scope=memory sid='CSCDAP1';
System altered.
ECSCDAP1 > -- connect to second node.
ECSCDAP2 > alter system set db_keep_cache_size=3g scope=memory sid='CSCDAP2';
System altered.
ECSCDAP2 > -- to make permanent. From any node.
ECSCDAP2 > alter system set db_keep_cache_size=3g scope=spfile sid='*';