Home » RDBMS Server » Networking and Gateways » ORA-12154 Error (Oracle on Windows)
ORA-12154 Error [message #436570] Thu, 24 December 2009 04:27 Go to next message
Messages: 132
Registered: October 2009
Location: UK
Senior Member

First, this being common error, I googled it but found that all options mentioned in various articles/forums are proper in my case

I am struggling to connect to a database using tnsnames.ora
Since I will be using this database as App Server Metadata Repository, I am first testing to connect the database using tnsnames.ora from the same machine itself

Even I am unable to do tnsping to the database instance
however if I set ORACLE_SID I am able to connect properly

Moreover while configuring TNSnames.ora, everytime the test comes successful using 'Net Configuration Assistant'

One thing is this is VMware machine. Will it be causing any issue?

Following are related configuration files, logs and output of commands

Please help on this

Thanks and Regards,

A)lsnrctl status

C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 24-DEC-2009 10:09:17

Copyright (c) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=appserver1)(PORT=1521)))
Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date                24-DEC-2009 10:09:01
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 16 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  OFF
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   e:\ora9_home\network\admin\listener.ora
Listener Log File         e:\ora9_home\network\log\listener.log
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "DB01.WORLD" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "DB01", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

B)tnsping DB01

C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>tnsping DB01

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 24-DEC-2009 10:09:05

Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>

C) Tnsnames.ora
# TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: e:\ora9_home\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

DB01abc.co.uk =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = appserver1abc.co.uk)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = db01.world)

D) Listener.ora
# LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: E:\ora9_home\network\listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = appserver1)(PORT = 1521))

    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME = E:\ora9_home)
      (SID_NAME = DB01)

E) Sqlnet.ora
# This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to 
# install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native 
# authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.

NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = dev.luthor.biz

F)Extract of Listener.log
TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 24-DEC-2009 10:03:34

Copyright (c) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

System parameter file is e:\ora9_home\network\admin\listener.ora
Log messages written to e:\ora9_home\network\log\listener.log
Trace information written to e:\ora9_home\network\trace\listener.trc
Trace level is currently 0

Started with pid=1792
Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=appserver1abc.co.uk)(PORT=1521)))

24-DEC-2009 10:04:33 * service_register * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:05:58 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=)(USER=oradba))(COMMAND=status)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=153093632)) * status * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:06:55 * service_update * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:06:59 * service_died * DB01 * 12537
24-DEC-2009 10:07:50 * service_register * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:07:56 * service_update * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:08:21 * service_update * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:08:24 * service_died * DB01 * 12537
24-DEC-2009 10:08:44 * service_register * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:08:51 * service_update * DB01 * 0

TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 24-DEC-2009 10:09:01

Copyright (c) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

System parameter file is e:\ora9_home\network\admin\listener.ora
Log messages written to e:\ora9_home\network\log\listener.log
Trace information written to e:\ora9_home\network\trace\listener.trc
Trace level is currently 0

Started with pid=2840
Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=appserver1abc.co.uk)(PORT=1521)))

24-DEC-2009 10:09:17 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=)(USER=oradba))(COMMAND=status)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=153093632)) * status * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:09:59 * service_register * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:12:11 * service_update * DB01 * 0
24-DEC-2009 10:12:44 * service_update * DB01 * 0

Enter user-name: system/oracle@db01.world
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
H) netstat -a
C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>netstat -a

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    appserver1:http      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:epmap     appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:https     appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:microsoft-ds  appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1040      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1521      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:2030      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:3339      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:3389      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:6050      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:8081      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:8228      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:41523     appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:netbios-ssn  appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1046      appserver1abc.co.uk:1748  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    appserver1:1521      appserver1abc.co.uk:1649  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    appserver1:1649      appserver1abc.co.uk:1521  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    appserver1:1736      dev-dc1abc.co.uk:microsoft-ds  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    appserver1:1748      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1748      appserver1abc.co.uk:1046  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    appserver1:1754      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1808      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1809      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:3389      D02501:4436            ESTABLISHED
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1651  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1653  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1655  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1657  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1659  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1661  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1663  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1665  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1667  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1669  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1671  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1673  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1675  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1677  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1679  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1681  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1683  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1685  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1687  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1689  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1691  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1693  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1695  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1697  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1699  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1701  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1703  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1705  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1707  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1709  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1711  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1713  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1715  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1717  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1719  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1721  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:pptp  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1725  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1727  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1729  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1731  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1733  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1047      appserver1abc.co.uk:1735  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:0  LISTENING
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1650  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1652  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1654  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1656  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1658  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1660  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1662  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1664  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1666  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1668  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1670  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1672  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1674  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1676  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1678  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1680  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1682  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1684  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1686  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1688  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1690  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1692  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1694  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1696  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1698  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1700  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1702  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1704  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1706  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1708  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1710  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1712  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1714  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1716  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1718  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1720  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1722  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1724  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1726  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1728  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1730  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1732  TIME_WAIT
  TCP    appserver1:1049      appserver1abc.co.uk:1734  TIME_WAIT
  UDP    appserver1:microsoft-ds  *:*
  UDP    appserver1:isakmp    *:*
  UDP    appserver1:1039      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:4500      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:6050      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:8081      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:8082      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:41524     *:*
  UDP    appserver1:ntp       *:*
  UDP    appserver1:netbios-ns  *:*
  UDP    appserver1:netbios-dgm  *:*
  UDP    appserver1:ntp       *:*
  UDP    appserver1:1025      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:1052      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:1113      *:*
  UDP    appserver1:1164      *:*

C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>
Re: ORA-12154 Error [message #436572 is a reply to message #436570] Thu, 24 December 2009 04:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68751
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
Senior Member
Account Moderator
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
 *Cause:  A connection to a database or other service was requested using
 a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not
 be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods
 configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a
 net service name then the net service name could not be found in a
 naming method repository, or the repository could not be
 located or reached.
   - If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file):
      - Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the
        NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
      - Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper
        directory and is accessible.
      - Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier
        exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
      - Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA
        file.  Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors
        in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable.
   - If you are using directory naming:
      - Verify that "LDAP" is listed as one of the values of the
        NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
      - Verify that the LDAP directory server is up and that it is
      - Verify that the net service name or database name used as the
        connect identifier is configured in the directory.
      - Verify that the default context being used is correct by
        specifying a fully qualified net service name or a full LDAP DN
        as the connect identifier
   - If you are using easy connect naming:
      - Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the
        NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
      - Make sure the host, port and service name specified
        are correct.
      - Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks.

   See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle
   operating system specific guide for more information on naming.

If all these seems correct to you, then you are not using (or trying to use) the tnsnames.ora you think you use.

Re: ORA-12154 Error [message #436575 is a reply to message #436570] Thu, 24 December 2009 04:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 132
Registered: October 2009
Location: UK
Senior Member
Thanks Michel

I have checked each and every condition listed there

I am not at all using LDAP

I have listed its content in my mail

I have also checked for any setting of tns_admin in registry as well system and user environment variables, but no such variable is configured

I have traces the listener and following is the output after traced twice

I am really stuck now

Thanks and Regards,

Started Trace and tried to connect as system/oracle@db01.world from 2 different sessions

C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>lsnrctl

LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 24-DEC-2009 10:32:20

Copyright (c) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.

LSNRCTL> set trc_level ADMIN
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=appserver1)(PORT=1521)))
LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to admin
The command completed successfully

C:\Documents and Settings\oradba.DEV>E:

E:\ora9_home\network\trace>trcasst listener.trc

Trace Assistant Utility: Version Production on 24 December 2009 10:35:13

(c) Copyright 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    *                        Trace Assistant                                *

Error found. Error Stack follows:
  Operation code:68
      NS Error 1:12537
      NS Error 2:12560
NT Generic Error:507
  Protocol Error:0
        OS Error:0
 NS & NT Errors Translation
12537, 00000 "TNS:connection closed"
 // *Cause: "End of file" condition has been reached; partner has disconnected.
 // *Action: None needed; this is an information message.
12560, 00000 "TNS:protocol adapter error"
 // *Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred.
 // *Action: Check addresses used for proper protocol specification. Before
 // reporting this error, look at the error stack and check for lower level
 // transport errors.For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the
 // operation. Turn off tracing when the operation is complete.
00507, 00000 "Connection closed"
 // *Cause: Normal "end of file" condition has been reached; partner has
 // disconnected.
 // *Action: None needed; this is an information message.

Trace File Statistics:
Total number of Sessions: 0

  Operation Count:    0 OPENS,     0 PARSES,     0 EXECUTES,     0 FETCHES

  Total Calls  :         0 sent,          0 received,           0 oci
  Total Bytes  :         0 sent,          0 received
    Average Bytes:  sent per packet,   received per packet
    Maximum Bytes:         0 sent,          0 received

  Grand Total Packets:      0  sent,       0 received

    *                    Trace Assistant has completed                      *

Restarted Listener and tried to connect as system/oracle@db01.world from 2 different sessions

E:\ora9_home\network\trace>trcasst listener.trc

Trace Assistant Utility: Version Production on 24 December 2009 10:37:46

(c) Copyright 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    *                        Trace Assistant                                *

Error found. Error Stack follows:
  Operation code:78
      NS Error 1:12612
      NS Error 2:0
NT Generic Error:0
  Protocol Error:0
        OS Error:0
 NS & NT Errors Translation
00000, 00000, "Not An Error"
 // *Cause:  Everything is working as it should.
 // *Action: Dont worry: Be happy.
00000, 00000 "Not An Error"
 // *Cause:  Everything is working as it should.
 // *Action: Dont worry: Be happy.
00000, 00000 "Not An Error"
 // *Cause:  Everything is working as it should.
 // *Action: Dont worry: Be happy.

Trace File Statistics:
Total number of Sessions: 0

  Operation Count:    0 OPENS,     0 PARSES,     0 EXECUTES,     0 FETCHES

  Total Calls  :         0 sent,          0 received,           0 oci
  Total Bytes  :         0 sent,          0 received
    Average Bytes:  sent per packet,   received per packet
    Maximum Bytes:         0 sent,          0 received

  Grand Total Packets:      0  sent,       0 received

    *                    Trace Assistant has completed                      *


Re: ORA-12154 Error [message #436597 is a reply to message #436570] Thu, 24 December 2009 06:28 Go to previous message
Messages: 132
Registered: October 2009
Location: UK
Senior Member

The issue is resolved

I have configured TNS_ADMIN environment variable with the <oracle_home>\network\admin\ and I am able to connect now

Still not sure why I needed to do that

Many Thanks for your help

Thanks and Regards,
Previous Topic: Specifying RAC in SQL*Net V2 connection string
Next Topic: ORA-12569: TNS:packet checksum failure
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