I have a hierarchal query to show all child organizations under the parameter ':Parent_ID'
This is the query, I execute it in SQL Developer normally:
SELECT el.organization_id_child, ch.name,level
FROM hr.hr_all_organization_units org,
hr.hr_all_organization_units ch
WHERE el.org_structure_version_id = 61
AND org.organization_id = el.organization_id_parent
AND ch.organization_id = el.organization_id_child
START WITH el.organization_id_parent = :Parent_ID
CONNECT BY el.organization_id_parent = PRIOR el.organization_id_child
in the below line:
START WITH el.organization_id_parent = :Parent_ID
The hierarchal query will start with parameter value to show all childes under that organization...
How can I use this simple query in Discoverer !! I am trying to find the START WITH in the discoverer also can not put this query in a new custom folder without removing the parameters.
Please Help...
[Updated on: Wed, 21 October 2009 06:47]
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