Hi friends
My adcfgclone in appstier failed with error in autoconfig. The error entry in log file is:
[AutoConfig Error Report]
The following report lists errors AutoConfig encountered during each
phase of its execution. Errors are grouped by directory and phase.
The report format is:
<filename> <phase> <return code where appropriate>
AutoConfig could not successfully execute the following scripts:
Directory: E:\TEST\testcomn\admin\install\TEST_fintest
adgenjky.cmd INSTE8_SETUP 128
AutoConfig is exiting with status 1
RC-50014: Fatal: Execution of AutoConfig was failed
Raised by oracle.apps.ad.clone.ApplyApplTop
Completed ApplyApplTop.
ERROR: AutoConfig completed with errors. Check logfile at D:\TEST\testappl\admin\TEST_fintest\log\ApplyAppsTier_07041034.log for details.
I am attaching the log file here for reference.
Please help.