Aslam-O-Alaikum Dear All.
I have created a menu using forms 6i. I am controlling menu item rights through db table. Problem is that i have created a table A with follwoing structure.
Mnu_Itm_Ide, Mnu_Itm_Nam, Itm_Ttl
1 Fsd_Mnu.Man_Frm Main Form
2 Fsd_Mnu.Sub_Frm Sub Form
Another Tsble B is
and follwoing code on when-new-form-instanance trigger.
Cursor c is
Select A.Mnu_Itm_Nam
From A,B
Where A.Itm_ide=B.Itm_Ide;
For V In C Loop
End Loop;
It is running well. but some time when menu item is clicked main form is terminated. Some times there are a lot separtor lines in menu and no item in menu.
How can i solve this.
Thanks In Advance.
Muhammad Asif Malik