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Installing Developer 6.0 [message #366132] |
Sun, 03 December 2000 09:44  |
Messages: 101 Registered: August 2000
Senior Member |
I have Oracle (personal Oracle)installed
in my PC. I am getting a warning "Database Conflict
Detected" while trying to install Developer 6.0
under home directory of Oracle 8.0.3 in the same machine. If I try to install Developer 6.0
in a separate Oracle Home Directory, it disables
the already installed oracle products.
If anyone has faced this sort of problem, Please let
me know how you had sorted it out?
Re: Installing Developer 6.0 [message #366134 is a reply to message #366132] |
Mon, 04 December 2000 14:57   |
Messages: 65 Registered: January 2000
Member |
Try this:
Problem Description
For test purposes you need to set up a PC to have multiple versions of
devloper installed and connecting successfully to multiple versions
of a localy-installed oracle databases.
The problem is that different versions of developer need to go into
different oracle homes, with different ORACLE registries, and that when you
install the 8i database into it's own separate oracle home, it writes to
just one of the separate developer ORACLE keys. This means all the other
versions of developer cannot access it. In addition, 7.3.4. (or 8.0.5) can
only be installed in the same oracle_home with a very specific version of
developer. you want to install 7.3.4 ( or 8.0.5 ) so that ALL installed
versions of developer can access it.
Solution Description
How to install multiple versions of developer and getting them to connect
and work with multiple versions of the oracle database installed locally on
the same NT PC, with the option of having oracle designer loaded
as well.
This method is unsupported, however it will be of use to analysts who have a
need to set up a test PC with multiple products on.
This document is in two sections:
SECTION A: multiple versions of developer with a single local database
( oracle 8i. )
SECTION B: how to set up extra local databases.
Each section will end with a worked example of how to acheive this.
The problem with multiple versions of developer and multiple versions of the
database is that pre 6i patch1 developer products are non-multiple home aware.
This means that the 'ORACLE' key in the NT registry will become a mish-mash of
values from each product installed.
The solution is to rename the ORACLE key after each successive install of
developer. This is documented very well in several notes, including 95399.1 .
This gives basic instructions to ensure that when you have multiple versions
of developer on the same machine, these need to
a) be in separate Oracle Homes
b) have separate clean registry setups.
However this procedure is fine as long as there are no local oracle databases,
and you are always going to connect to remote machines. This is the issue
that the following instructions attempt to address.
The normal procedure when installing a single database and a single version of
developer on the same PC is to install developer first then the DB afterwards,
*AS LONG AS* the DB is multiple-home aware. In this example, we are using
8i / 8.1.5 as this is MOH aware. This is documented in note 74131.1. This is
the standard method - install developer first then 8i. (There is another note
, 76370.1 that says do exactly the opposite - HOWEVER this note is intended
for people who have had 8i installed for a while and don't want to deinstall.
PROBLEM! If using a pre 8i database, you have to install it into the same
oracle home as developer - and only then there are only VERY SPECIFIC
COMBINATIONS of the two products that will work. You HAVE to make sure this
is correct. The problem with this approach is that you cannot upgrade the one
without upgrading the other. As such Section A of this note is based on the
assumption that you are using 8i or another MOH aware database.
( Workarounds for Pre 8i database and developer installations on the same
machine are discussed in section B. )
Following the supported method of installing say 8i over the top of developer 6
for example, the problem is that only the developer 6 registry is updated with
the 8i details, and not the other versions you have installed, say
developer 2.1 and devloper 1.6.1.
The solution is to copy the registry entries relevant to 8i from the developer
6 registry area to the developer 2.1 registry area. The other way is to
create a king of oracle8 'skeleton' registry export, or 'merge-key', and merge
these standalone relevant 8i registry entries with your developer registry
areas. Both are discussed in the worked example below.
Worked Example - installation of developer 6, 2.1, 1.6.1 and Oracle 8i
on the same machine.
1) If there were any previous failed installations of oracle products, delete
everything by following note 75061.1. It is important to have a clean setup
to begin with.
2) The first problem is that on older versions of the developer base release
CD, the installer has a problem and the new version has to be obtained,
specifically, either by getting it off a higher patch CD first or
downloading it from the jinit download site :
Later versions of the developer 6 base release are fixed. If in any doubt,
just fire up the installer that comes on the CD and see what version it
says it is.
3) Install developer 6. choose "OH_dev6" as your oracle home name.
4) When complete, do START - RUN - regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -
SOFTWARE and highlight the ORACLE key. Go to file - export registry.
Name the file dev6_reg and save it to the DESKTOP (for convenience.)
Now go to edit - 'rename' and rename the ORACLE key to ORACLE_dev6.
5) Create a desktop folder and call it "dev6." Copy all of the folders and
programs created by the installation (they usually clutter up the desktop
after the install) into this one convenient place, creating subfolders as
6) (optional) A suggestion on organising all the products on the desktop.
Close all windows and press SHIFT-PRINTSCRN. This will copy your entire
screen to the clipboard. Fire up Microsoft Paint and do CNTL-V for paste. You then have an exact
copy of your screen in paint to edit. Create several small rectangles
which have enough room for a couple of standard desktop folder ICON to fit
into. Using the text tools name each of the rectangles: developer 6,
developer 21, developer 161, oracle8i. Save the picture from paint, say
my_wallpaper. Go to START - control panel - display and edit the standard
wallpaper to pick up the file you have just created. Click apply and you
now have a convenient desktop area for all your oracle products.
7) Install developer 2.1. Choose "OH_dev21" as your oracle home. when
complete, repeat steps 4 and 5 but of course changing the naming conventions
for dev21. You can then install developer 1.6.1, then 1.3.2 and whatever
other version you want by following the same steps 4 and 5 for each install.
( Note: developer 1.3.3 is 16BIT and developer
1.3.2 has a 16BIT version as well. These products do not create an ORACLE
key on install like the later 32BIT products, and the procedure for
getting these to work will be different, not covered by this note. )
9) (optional from step 6) When you have finished installing all of your
developer versions, drag the folders and registry icons into their
respective desktop boxes for neatness.
At this stage you now have three separate versions of the ORACLE key. To use
a specific version of developer, click on the relevant desktop registry icon
BEFORE firing up any of the programs. This is how you guarantee the right
environment variables are set for each product. Note: clicking on an exported
registry icon will merge all the new values with the old, overwriting any
duplicates. So really, you ought to delete the oracle key in the registry to
wipe out all old values before clicking on the next registry desktop icon
that you want to use, however as long as the essentials are there,
version specific entries like FORMS50_PATH or example would be ignored by
say deevloper 1.6.1.
10) (optional) check the installs have worked OK by amending the tnsnames.ora
for each version of developer to point to a *remote* database. Normally
you just copy the relevant entry for a database in the database's
tnsnames.ora file into the developer tnsnames.ora file.
Get this working first.
11) Now you are ready to install 8i. If you have been diligently renaming your
oracle key after each install and have not yet clicked on the registry
desktop icons, there should be no key currently called ORACLE. To be sure,
go into the registry and check there's no ORACLE key.
Now, for this we are going to choose to install oracle8i with developer
6. Click on the dev6_reg icon to populate the ORACLE key. Insert the
Oracle8i disk and install, choosing an oracle home of "Ora8i." When
prompted for SID and global database name, the default is for these to be
identical. Although you can make them different, I recommend you keep
these names the same. Make sure you choose an installation option that
installs a preconfigured starter database. When done, go into the
registry and export the ORACLE key once more, calling it "ora8i_dev6_reg"
and save to desktop.
What has this done with the registry?
You now have an ORACLE key for developer6 , but with extra oracle8i entries
under a subkey called HOME1. You can now choose which product you want
to use, either developer6/oracle8i by using the oracle home selector
program that comes with 8i. Other registry entries are added as well,
discussed later.
12) Copy the database-side tnsnames.ora entry relevant for the database name
you've given to your new database from the database area
($ORACLE_HOME/network/admin to the developer tnsnames.ora file,
($(dev)ORACLE_HOME/net80/admin) Also create an entry in the SID_LIST
part of the database side listener.ora file, also in the database's
network/admin area. This is discussed in greated detail in the sql*net
configuration notes that come with the database.
Developer 6 should now be able to connect to oracle 8i. Get this working
first before attempting any of the next steps.
13 The problem now is that the other versions of developer willnot work with
8i. You now have two options - method a) is the recommended one but b)
is the quick method.
a) In the registry, fire up the ora8i_dev6_reg registry icon if not
already loaded and copy all the keys and string values relevant to 8i
to the ORACLE_dev21 key you renamed earlier, creating any new keys
as required.
The keys are: oracle - all homes - ID1 (and all string values below)
oracle - OO4O (and all string values below)
oracle - home1 (and all string values below)
And amend the existing oracle - 'all homes' area in the ORACLE_dev21
registry key so that HOME_COUNTER reads "2" instead of "1" , and that
LAST_HOME reads "1"
rename the ORACLE_dev21 key to ORACLE and export it - save as
b) A quicker alternative trick is to strip out the registry entries for
developer and create a kind of 8i 'skeleton merge-key.' To do this,
go into the ORACLE_dev6 key in the registry as
above, and delete:
ORACLE - ALL homes - ID0
ORACLE - home0
ORACLE - Oracle Homes
all string values under ORACLE itself.
The remaining entries are oracle 8i - specific.
now rename this ORACLE_dev6 key to ORACLE and export it - save it as
Delete the ORACLE key in the registry, and from the desktop click on
the dev21_reg icon. THEN click on the oracle8_merge_reg icon.
This will combine all the values required together into one new ORACLE
key. go back into the registry and export this new, bigger ORACLE
key as "dev21_and_8i_reg."
14 Repeat step 13 for any other version of developer you want to connect to
the local 8i database.
(*NOTE* If you are ALSO wanting to install oracle DESIGNER, this needs to go
into the SAME oracle home as developer. The sequence is 1) install developer
2) then designer in same OH 3) then oracle 8i in different home. ALSO -
the patched versions of developer amd designer ARE VERY IMPORTANT! Check with
oracle support if in any doubt - if you patch one and not the other, you will
hit problems. See notes 75111.1 and 104571.1 for more details.)
From hereon, to use a specific version of developer , say 2.1 with the local
8i database, just click on the dev21_and_8i_reg icon and you are ready to go.
Note: It is these merged registry keys alone you need to click on to
run developer - the clean, non merged keys you exported are not required.
HOWEVER, don't delete these clean developer export keys as they will be
needed for sectionB.
Installing multiple versions of a database on an NT box brings it's own
problems, let alone when you try and get these to work with developer. When
installing another database, you should stop the oracle 8 DB service and the
oracle 8 listener before installation, (detailed below.)
The problem is that database installations create services in the NT registry
which start automatically on bootup, so if you have more than one database you
will have multiple services, listeners etc running. The problem then is that
the naming convention of these will potentially clash *IF* you choose to have
the same SID on installation. Don't do this - when you install subsequent
databases, choose a different SID each time for the preconfigured starter
database. This is because the oracle service and listener names are made up
of a standard string and the SID name:
* If you want to keep the same SID (not recommended), then the solution is to
disable the automatic startup of these, and start them manually instead
whenever you want to run a particular database.
To disable: go to start - settings - control panel - services. Scroll down
and look for all entries beginning with ORACLE. There is usually half a dozen
or so for a typical 8i install but the two that are normally setup to start
automatically are as listed above, the
Oracle<SID>TNSListener and OracleService<SID> entries.
(if you fire up task manager, you will see these two services running as the
oracle.exe and tnslsnr.exe processes.)
Highlight the listener first, and click stop. Then do stop the main Oracle
Service in the same way. Then, click on the field that says "automatic"
for each service and set to 'manual'.
So now when you want to use a particular database, shut down whatever one is
running that you don't want in the above way, THEN go back into services,
find the two equivalent entries for say, 7.3.4. and start the oracle service
FIRST, then the listener.
However if you keep different SID's you won't need to follow the instructions
within the lines above.
Beware: for very similar DB installs, say 8.0.4 and 8.0.5, it may be best to
disable the older 804 listener and have the 805 listener running for both the
804 and 805 databases. For more information on the subtleties of this, check
with Oracle server desktop support.
Same database Oracle Home or Different Oracle Home?
If the databases you are installing are multiple oracle home aware, officially
you can install them in the same OH. However at the time of writing this note
the latest version is 8.1.5. Therefore previous versions are non-MOH aware,
e.g. 7.3.4. As such, the notes below are for extra, non-MOH aware database
installs locally with developer.
I will endeavour to extend this note when a major new release of the database
comes out.
Now, under normal circumstances, you can just install multiple versions of the
oracle database in separate homes, if they are all to run on a dedicated server
box. However, to run them locally with developer as is the subject of this
note, the supported combinations are VERY specific and must be adhered to in
order to both be supported and to guarantee they actually run without errors.
The normal situation with support is:
"Oracle developer and the database on the same PC must be installed in the same
oracle home, and only then the very exact version combination of the products
that will allow this. E.g. developer 6 and DB version 8.0.5.
For various versions of developer and 8i specifically, you can install in
separate oracle homes as detailed in section A above and more specifically in
Now, To get a combination of developer and database that don't work together
in the same oracle home requires a non-supported workaround. It is
essentially the same technique as described in note:61963.1 , (installing
multiple active oracle homes.) Basically, the technique relies on the fact
that developer looks to the environment FIRST for it's environment variables
BEFORE checking the registry. The worked example below describes the
installation of 7.3.4:
1) Stop any existing oracle database services and listeners from running,
see the notes in section A on how to do this.
2) clear out your ORACLE registry key and install 7.3.4. into it's own separate
oracle home. As stated before, MAKE SURE you chose a different SID name
for your database when prompted. When done, EXPORT the ORACLE registry key
once more as a desktop icon, calling it something like 734_reg.
3) For the version of developer you want to work with 7.3.4, fire up the
CLEAN, non merged registry key of the installation you saved earlier.
Copy the entire contents into a DOS batch file, using
set <environment vaiable>=value , substituting the registry string
for environment variable. The problem with this is that it is very labour
intensive, as at the time of writing I couldn't find a way of copying
registry entries en masse into a batch script. At the end of the batch
script, on the very last line, include the executable name of the devloper
product you wish to run, e.g. f50des32.exe. Save the batch file as a desktop
icon, calling it something like f50des_734.bat. create other batch files
for other products e.g. reports that you want to run, simply by copying
the old batch script and tagging the product executable on the end.
4) After configuring your 7.3.4. database and running sql*net easy config, make
sure the new database is known to the client by manually amending the
serverside listener.ora and client side tnsnames.ora files as described
5) To run, clean out the ORACLE registry key once more and click on the
734_reg icon. Then start the database service and listener, either by
going back into NT services and looking for these service names to start
(they should be the only ones containing your new SID name) OR the
standard but longer way of a) firing up svrmgrl and doing connect internal
and then startup, and b) firing up lisnrctl and typing start.
6) Click on the f50des_734 batch ICON to fire up forms designer. Oracle Forms
will then fire up and ou should be able to connect as the forms oracle_home
and path has been preset in the batch, and the database still has it's
correct oracle_home set in the registry.
Problems and FAQ
q) I'm on Windows 95/98 and when I install 8i it only gives me the option to
install the client stuff.
a) Full Oracle 8.1.5 is for NT only. For windows 95/98, you need Personal
Oracle 8.1.5.
q) I try to connect with scott/tiger@mydbname but it just says tns-12514
a) connect as scott/tiger@mydbname.uk.oracle.com, or whatever the full entry
is in tnsnames.ora.
q) But I don't have to do this normally?
a) this is because the normal tnsnames.ora entries are written as
dbmname.world. In the sqlnet.ora file (developer side) there is an entry
called 'names.default_domain' this is set to 'world.' This means you don't
have to type remotedbname.world when you connect to your remote databases
on other machines. If you think you will be using your local database more
than your remote databases, it's worth changing this entry to uk.oracle.com
which will allow you to connect as scott/tiger@myLOCALdbname.
q) This registry changing is all very well, but it means I can only run one
version of developer at a particular time, or at least safely. What if I
want to run 2 different versions of developer concurrently?
a) see note 61963.1 on how to do this. Unsupported but it does work.
q) When are things going to be totally oracle home aware?
a) developer 6i patch 1 planned support of MOH, and designer 7 should
support MOH when released. Oracle 8.1.5 onwards is MOH aware.
q) I'm worried that the patched versions of developer and designer are so
crucial. What do I do if I want to patch one and not the other?
a) You'll have to wait until the equivalent patch for the other product has
come out, and then make sure you patch one straight after the other.
Otherwise for test purposes, you can simply install developer twice -
one with designer and the other without, the other one sitting in a separate
OH and having a separate registry as per the above notes. If you wanted to
install the designer repository, you could 'merge' the oracle 8i database
as per the above notes.
q) I don't understand why you need a batch script for developer when running
with 7.3.4. ?
a) Say you have installed developer 6 and 7.3.4 in separate oracle homes and
separate registries. You have clicked on the database registry icon and
successfully started the database and listener. If you then click on the
developer icon, the dev ORACLE_HOME is loaded with the correct developer
settings and you can fire up say, sql*plus. Now, try and connect and you
are likely to get tns-12514 or some other horrible message. This is
because the listener is now looking at the wrong ORACLE_HOME - the one
loaded for developer, and thus is looking in completely the wrong PATH for
what it needs database -side. You can hack around this by re-clicking on
the 7.3.4 registry after having connected to sql*plus. However this method
requires constant registry switching which is totally unworkable, hence
the need for a batch script to pre-set the ORACLE_HOME for developer.
q) Well why didn't Oracle make it so that all versions worked in the same
a) traditionally, a specific version of developer is released with a specific
version of the database. These are the ones that work in the same OH.
However, patched and improved versions of the product may need updated
dlls and required system files. As a result the two versions go out of
Re: Installing Developer 6.0 [message #366138 is a reply to message #366132] |
Thu, 07 December 2000 08:04  |
Messages: 101 Registered: August 2000
Senior Member |
Hi Melissa,
Thank you very much for your help. Now I am facing difficulty in connecting from oracle forms
6.0 to oracle8i.
Installation of Personal Oracle8i and Developer 6.0 went through successfully in two different Oracle Homes.
I am able to connect to Oracle 8i from SQL PLUS.
When I try to connect from Froms It is giving the
following error.
ORA-12203 TNS Unable to connect to destination
I tried after copying the TNSNAMES.ORA from
ora8i\network\admin to OH_dev6\net80\admin directory.
Moreover, I didn't able to get the point no. 12
in the previous document regarding the tnsnames.ora and SID_LIST. can you please let me know what all changes has to be done in these
I maintained all the registries as per what you
had mentioned in the previous document.
Please also let me know regarding the connection
from forms/reports to Oracle8i.
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