log file creation [message #323435] |
Wed, 28 May 2008 08:29 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
I have a .sh file which contains
. $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
sqlplus $leninlogin @$general_weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/ACE2_History.sql
I want to add a log file to track the log of job completion?
This .sql file simply truncates a table and it will be automated in control M tool.
But please advice how to write the script for log creation and with proper message.
Re: log file creation [message #323472 is a reply to message #323452] |
Wed, 28 May 2008 09:40 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
that is correct,thanks but i wanted it from unix point of view,
something like redirecting >>$logfile
i am not sure of the syntax and logic,hence need some inputs
Re: log file creation [message #323526 is a reply to message #323487] |
Wed, 28 May 2008 12:15 |
andrew again
Messages: 2577 Registered: March 2000
Senior Member |
When you run the command interactively, do you get the output you want on the screen? If not, you may need to modify the sql script to stop it from suppressing the output.
Try something like this:
-- set termout off
set echo off
set time on
select user, global_name from global_name;
prompt Truncating table 1 now...
truncate table xyz;
Re: log file creation [message #323657 is a reply to message #323526] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 02:53 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
Thanks for the suggestion.
I am getting this thing correctly
this is mu .sql file
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'cleaning the deleted lists from ACE2_DELETED_LIST '
PROMPT '**************************************************'
spool /edw/load_area/others/sven/COM_CODE/general/production/weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/deletelog.txt
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
Now i want to put a date with timestamp,so that what ever will be stored in log file with have the date and timestamp??
Re: log file creation [message #323686 is a reply to message #323661] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 04:18 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
col filename new_value filename
SELECT 'test_'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')||'.log' filename
FROM dual
spool &filename
<do work>
spool off
Many thanks Michel
But what will Quote: | col filename new_value filename
| part of the code do??
Re: log file creation [message #323716 is a reply to message #323687] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 05:42 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
col filename new_value filename
SELECT 'test_'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')||'.log' filename
FROM dual
spool &filename
spool off
How to put this for my unix script??
this is my .sh file
. $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
sqlplus $leninlogin @$general_weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/ACE2_History.sql
Quote: | sqlplus $leninlogin
| here it connects to data base
and the .sql file goes like this
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'cleaning the deleted lists from ACE2_DELETED_LIST '
PROMPT '**************************************************'
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
Now where to write the select query and then the spool one??
Please advice??
Re: log file creation [message #323782 is a reply to message #323731] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 07:49 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
Thanks Michel
It is working
but i want rather than the log file containing the truncated message it should contain an user defined message
Quote: | The clean up job is complete
and if error then as usual the error message??
Please advice
Re: log file creation [message #323785 is a reply to message #323784] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 07:58 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
I guess i am not clear in my requirement,but if i set feedback off then
for a success i can write
dbms_output.put_line('job complete')
but in case of error how will it come to the log file??
Re: log file creation [message #323788 is a reply to message #323786] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 08:01 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
there is only one statement
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'Generating Log File
PROMPT '**************************************************'
col filename new_value filename
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'cleaning the deleted lists from ACE2_DELETED_LIST '
PROMPT '**************************************************'
spool &filename
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
spool off
This is the current code where the table truncated message is comming to the log file in case of success and in case of failure the error message
hence it should have the user defined message in case of success and error message in case of error
[Updated on: Thu, 29 May 2008 08:05] Report message to a moderator
Re: log file creation [message #323800 is a reply to message #323788] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 09:17 |
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68732 Registered: March 2007 Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
Senior Member Account Moderator |
First remove "Begin" line, then:
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'Generating Log File
PROMPT '**************************************************'
col filename new_value filename
whenever sqlerror exit 1
set feedback off
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'cleaning the deleted lists from ACE2_DELETED_LIST '
PROMPT '**************************************************'
spool &filename
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
prompt Success!
spool off
[Updated on: Thu, 29 May 2008 09:17] Report message to a moderator
Re: log file creation [message #323878 is a reply to message #323800] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 22:32 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
This is what i face
Say in case of any error,Then this prompt is comming always
even if error is there
Now for testing i dropped the table and ran the
.sh file below
. $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
sqlplus $leninlogin @$general_weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/run_delete_list.sql
This is the sql script below
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'Generating Log File
PROMPT '**************************************************'
col filename new_value filename
PROMPT '**************************************************'
PROMPT 'cleaning the deleted lists from ACE2_DELETED_LIST '
PROMPT '**************************************************'
set feedback off
#spool &filename
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
prompt 'success!!'
spool off
The log file created goes below
cat ACE2_DELETED_LIST_20080530042741.log
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
The success should only come in case of success?
PLease advice?
Re: log file creation [message #323886 is a reply to message #323880] |
Thu, 29 May 2008 23:29 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
Apologise for the mistake
but here are a few questions please advice
Quote: | whenever sqlerror exit 1
what will this do?
secondly when i execute the .sh file,if it is success then it shows the success prompt and the file creation as well but when it is a failure then
this error message should only reflect in the log file and just a message to us that it failed and please check the log file for details
the currect senario below??
sh deletelist.sh
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri May 30 05:22:36 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options
'Generating Log File
'cleaning the deleted lists from ACE2_DELETED_LIST '
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Re: log file creation [message #323920 is a reply to message #323914] |
Fri, 30 May 2008 01:06 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
Yes this was what i wanted,Thanks
but if you can see my previous mail carefully,i wanted the additional thing which actually makes better redeability of the code
Quote: | secondly when i execute the .sh file,if it is success then it shows the success prompt and the file creation as well but when it is a failure then
this error message should only reflect in the log file(the user executing the .sh script should get just a message that it failed and please check the log file for details,and as it is happening now the error is there in the log file but the same thing is also appearing in the shell while executing the .sh file)
[Updated on: Fri, 30 May 2008 01:08] Report message to a moderator
Re: log file creation [message #323943 is a reply to message #323935] |
Fri, 30 May 2008 02:12 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
Lastly one major problem in the solution provided by Michel
The error can also be in the oracle connection also in case of wrong username and pwd,so in that case how will this work,as this generates the log only after proper connection in oracle.
Thank god it strike me,otherwise it would have been problem in production..
Re: log file creation [message #324075 is a reply to message #323943] |
Fri, 30 May 2008 11:38 |
andrew again
Messages: 2577 Registered: March 2000
Senior Member |
One trick is to put a final spool at the end of the sql to act as a flag file. If the sql script gets to the end, it didn't exit prematurely. You obviously remove old flag files before the next run...
whenever sqlerror exit 1
spool my_main_log.log
spool end_was_reached_ok.flg
Try this though, works fine for
1)sqlplus not found,
2)wrong user/pass,
3)oracle error in sql statement etc...
log=my_log`date '+%Y%m%di'`.log
##sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF >$log
sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF >/dev/null
whenever sqlerror exit 1
connect $user/$pass@$db
truncate table $t_name;
echo Retval is $rv
if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully truncated $t_name"
echo "ERROR. Failed to truncate $t_name"
exit $rv
Re: log file creation [message #324122 is a reply to message #324075] |
Sat, 31 May 2008 00:04 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
Hi Andrew.
This is superb,many thanks
Here is my current code,but i am getting error.Please also advice on the doubts,thanks
. $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
LOG_FILE=$general_weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/ACE2_DELETED_LIST_`date '+%Y%m%di'`.log
touch $LOG_FILE
sqlplus -s <<EOF >$LOG_FILE
#sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF >/dev/null
whenever sqlerror exit 1
connect $leninlogin
#sqlplus sven_lenin_prod/sven_lenin_prod@edw2
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
echo Retval is $rv
if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully Truncated"
echo "ERROR. Failed to complete the process"
exit $rv
Quote: | $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
Here i have the connection settings in the .cfg file
Quote: | sqlplus -s <<EOF >$LOG_FILE
Is this correct and then touch log file
because i want the error or success also in the log file??
secondly in this code this is what i get as error in log file
sh new_createwithlog.sh
Retval is 1
ERROR. Failed to complete the process
ACE2_DELETED_LIST_20080531i.log Listoutput_History.sh new_createwithlog.sh
ACE2_History.sql Listoutput_History_log.sh run_delete_list.sql
ACE2_History_log.sql deletelist.sh
/edw/load_area/others/sven/COM_CODE/general/production/weekly/ACE2_HISTORY>cat ACE2_DELETED_LIST_20080531i.log
SP2-0306: Invalid option.
Usage: CONN[ECT] [logon] [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}]
where <logon> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_identifier>] | /
SP2-0306: Invalid option.
Usage: CONN[ECT] [logon] [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}]
where <logon> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_identifier>] | /
SP2-0306: Invalid option.
Usage: CONN[ECT] [logon] [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}]
where <logon> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_identifier>] | /
SP2-0157: unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus
Please advice on the below basics,which will also allow me to understand it better.
what is the use of
what will these statements do
Quote: |
echo Retval is $rv
Re: log file creation [message #324131 is a reply to message #324122] |
Sat, 31 May 2008 01:12 |
Messages: 220 Registered: March 2008 Location: Bhubaneswar
Senior Member |
. $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
LOG_FILE=$general_weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/ACE2_DELETED_LIST_`date '+%Y%m%d'`.log
touch $LOG_FILE
sqlplus -s /nolog<<EOF >$LOG_FILE
#sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF >/dev/null
whenever sqlerror exit 1
connect $leninlogin
set feedback off
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
prompt 'Successfully Truncated'
echo Retval is $rv
if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully Truncated"
echo "ERROR. Failed to complete the process"
Hi Andrew
This is my current code.It is working fine.I suppose i am doing it rightly
But this is the only error i am getting in log file
cat ACE2_DELETED_LIST_20080531.log
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "sqlplus -s..." - rest of line ignored.
'Successfully Truncated'
Why is this the case?
and what will sqlplus -s do here?
Re: log file creation [message #324218 is a reply to message #324131] |
Sat, 31 May 2008 12:45 |
andrew again
Messages: 2577 Registered: March 2000
Senior Member |
There are two "EOF" tags (you can use just about any string you want). They form a "here document" structure in shell scripting. Take care not to indent the second one in KSH it must be in the first colum. Everything between the tags is basically what you'd normally have in a separate sql script.
The commented out line (#sqlplus...) falls withing the here document, so SQLplus gets it and doesn't know what to do with it. You can comment something in sql using "--" rather than "#".
/dev/null is a null sink. You redirect output that you aren't intrested in seeing to it.
No need to touch the file first - that just creates an empty file if it doesn't already exist.
If you really want a SQL log, then use all the propmts, etc that you're interested in and redirect to your log, then just cat the log when error is detected.
rv=return value. $? always contains the return code of the last statement you ran in KSH. You capture it into a variable to ensure that you don't accidentally look at $? for the wrong statement, like say an echo (that you put in for debugging)before checking the return code.
Try something like this (untested)
. $SVEN_HOME/config/configurator.cfg
LOG_FILE=$general_weekly/ACE2_HISTORY/ACE2_DELETED_LIST_`date '+%Y%m%d'`.log
touch $LOG_FILE
sqlplus -s /nolog<<EOF >$LOG_FILE
whenever sqlerror exit 1
connect $leninlogin
set echo off
prompt Trying to truncate ACE2_DELETED_LIST now...
truncate table ACE2_DELETED_LIST;
#echo Retval is $rv
if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully Truncated"
echo "ERROR. Failed to complete the process"
# exit with return code, so that your scheduler knows
# if this script failed (1-255) or succeeded (0)
exit $rv
Unix return code is limited to 1 byte
Oracle return codes are almost always negative numbers (e.g. ORA-01012 value is -1012, so don't try returning "whenever sqlerror exit SQL.SQLCODE"
http://www.toadworld.com/Education/StevenFeuersteinsPLSQLExperience/TrainingandPresentations/MiscellaneousPLSQLTraining/tabid/173/Def ault.aspx#Wierd