Home » Developer & Programmer » Reports & Discoverer » rep-0110:unable to open file (ORACALE 8i and developer 6.0)
rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317042] Tue, 29 April 2008 05:14 Go to next message
Messages: 56
Registered: September 2007

i have a form which have forms_ddl('create or replace view .....') and then i send on parameter and call the report based on these views but i am getting the following error

REP-0110 : unable to open file
REP-1070 : Error while opening and saving a document

what i did to try to solve the prob:

i check the parameter name,type and width in report builder and at form done the same and they are ok.

re-run the report but no progress.

ple4ae help regarding my prob



Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317060 is a reply to message #317042] Tue, 29 April 2008 06:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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REP-0110: Unable to open '<filename>'.

Cause: Oracle Reports tried to open the file shown and couldn't. The possible causes of this error include the following:
Case 1: The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location.
Case 2: You lacked the necessary privileges to open the file.
Case 3: A system error made it impossible to open the file.

Action: You can take the following actions to correct this error:
If Case 1: Make sure the file is stored in the specified directory under the specified name. If it is not, change the directory and/or filename as appropriate.
If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to open the file. If you don't, change your privileges accordingly.
If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator.

REP-1070: Error while opening or saving a document.

Cause: An error occurred while opening or saving a document.

Action: Check to make sure that you have proper access privileges for the document.
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317273 is a reply to message #317060] Wed, 30 April 2008 05:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 56
Registered: September 2007
hello littlefoot

i have checked the following and found correct

1. name of the fille correct
2. path is correct
3. i have the privillage as i connecta s DBA

As far as system error is concerned i don't know and if it is there so how should i know? i have talked about the views i made so what you think, there might be something because of the views or what u can advice me to check back at database or somewhere esle to now about the possible system error.

thank u sir


Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317275 is a reply to message #317273] Wed, 30 April 2008 05:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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As far as I can tell, this error has nothing to do with a view creation.

What do you mean by
2. path is correct
Which path are you, actually, talking about?

3. i have the privillage as i connecta s DBA
It isn't about Oracle privileges, but operating system level privileges. Is you OS user allowed to write into this directory?
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317443 is a reply to message #317275] Thu, 01 May 2008 06:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 56
Registered: September 2007

by path i mean the directory and file path of my .rdf file, form where it read the file, so that is correct.
secodly i have the administrator rights in win xp

is it can be due to some virus or trojan.

thanks for reply

Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317446 is a reply to message #317443] Thu, 01 May 2008 07:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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If you are an administrator, I guess that operating system privileges are out of question.

As of correct path: are you are sure that directory which contains your reports is contained in the REPORTS_PATH? Another idea: does this path contain "space" (for example, "c:\my reports"); if so, try to rename directory so that it doesn't contain space characters ("c:\my_reports").
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317449 is a reply to message #317446] Thu, 01 May 2008 07:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 56
Registered: September 2007
sir waht is REPORTS_PATH? some path isn't it and need to be set or what.
Other thisng i have spaces in my directory name so i will remove it then come to you sir but what is REPORTS_PATH?



Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #317450 is a reply to message #317449] Thu, 01 May 2008 07:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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REPORTS_PATH shows the way to your reports; as you use Developer Suite 6i, I believe that its name is, actually, REPORTS60_PATH. Its value can be set as environment variable or as a string value in Windows registry.
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #318296 is a reply to message #317450] Tue, 06 May 2008 07:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 56
Registered: September 2007
hi sir

well i also remove spaces from the directory name (as you told me above) but still not running, i am pasting the code

pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');

Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'NO');

Run_Product(REPORTS, 'd:\cdept\reports\award_list\AWARD_LIST', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME,FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);

and the error is

Starting report AWARD_LIST [Thu May 01 05:59:11 2008] ...
REP-0110: Unable to open file 'd:\cdept\reports\award_list\AWARD_LIST'.
REP-1070: Error while opening or saving a document.
REP-0110: Unable to open file 'd:\cdept\reports\award_list\AWARD_LIST'.
End report AWARD_LIST [Thu May 01 05:59:11 2008].


Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #419486 is a reply to message #318296] Sun, 23 August 2009 00:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Probably there should be one .rep file saved in the Bin folder with same name the one which you are trying to run. If it is present then delete it from Bin folder then rerun.


Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #585999 is a reply to message #317042] Fri, 31 May 2013 23:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Dear All

Thanks Smile too all for contribution to resolve the issue.

I am also facing the same error and its assumed that it would be either due to availability of .rep file into BIN Directory or due to insufficient rights on the directory/drive where reports are placed.

I would check and confirm in both cases, whether succeeded or failed.

Muhammad Uzair Awan
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #587181 is a reply to message #585999] Thu, 13 June 2013 00:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 15
Registered: April 2013
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Hello Sir,

I am also facing the same problem with Oracle Reports
I am using Oracle Reports 10g and i have a report named Sales_report.rdf, but when i'm running the report its showing error

Terminated with error: <br>REP-110: Unable to open file 'Y:\SALES_REPORT.rdf'. REP-1070: Error while opening or saving a document. REP-0110: Unable to open file 'Y:\SALES_REPORT.rdf'.

Any Help is appreciated...

Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591524 is a reply to message #587181] Mon, 29 July 2013 07:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Hello Sir,

I am also facing the same problem with Oracle Reports

I have installed oracle 10g database in windows 7 64 bit os and developer suite in virtual machine windows 7 32 bit os.

All fmb files , functions, packages, proceedures have been compiled and the forms are working fine.

when i try to run report through forms it gives
REP-110: Unable to open file .
REP-1070: Error while opening or saving a document.
REP-0110: Unable to open file .

the same report works fine when run through report builder.

is the problem because the application in virtual machine is not connecting the database.

the backup dump file is taken from linux server where everything is working fine. is there any problem in this.

In one of the forum i found this reply for the mentioned problem

"Please make sure that you got the file transferred to your machine in Binary mode and not in ASCII."

I am not sure how to do this.

Any Help is appreciated...
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591560 is a reply to message #591524] Mon, 29 July 2013 14:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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"Please make sure that you got the file transferred to your machine in Binary mode and not in ASCII."
I am not sure how to do this.

If you use FTP, you specify "binary" mode simply by typing "binary" at its prompt before actually transferring files:
ftp> binary

If it is a GUI you use, no problem either - somewhere in its options there must be the binary/ASCII choice.
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591641 is a reply to message #591560] Tue, 30 July 2013 07:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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i take backup of the source files of forms and reports from linux server and copy it to client system using winscp.

This source file i have copied to my laptop while installing oracle .I am not sure if this source files need to be in binary / ASCII mode.

i am also not sure if the error message is due to binary / ASCII also. Problem might be due to some other thing also. Since i happened to see this suggestion i had mentioned it.

Pl guide me to resolve this problem
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591644 is a reply to message #591641] Tue, 30 July 2013 07:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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the source files need to be ftp'd in binary. So make sure you've done that.
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591684 is a reply to message #591644] Tue, 30 July 2013 23:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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i did take the source files in binary mode and tried, yet i am getting the same error
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591690 is a reply to message #591684] Wed, 31 July 2013 00:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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REP-1070: Error while opening or saving a document.
REP-0110: Unable to open file .

Do you have WRITE privileges for a directory that is supposed to contain the output file?
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591694 is a reply to message #591690] Wed, 31 July 2013 01:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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yes sir,

i have the write privileges. some one suggested to copy all the pll files into developersuite / forms folder. I did copy all the files yet it gives the same error
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591696 is a reply to message #591694] Wed, 31 July 2013 01:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Do you use REPORTS_PATH environment variable? If so, what is its length? Is it more than 1024 characters?

Does directory name (actually, path) contain any spaces? Such as "C:\My reports"? If so, try to rename it so that it contains no spaces (such as "C:\My_reports").
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #591704 is a reply to message #591696] Wed, 31 July 2013 01:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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let me tell you how i did the configuration. i am not sure if its right. after installation of developersuite i did the configuration in formsweb.cfg, default.env,forms.conf and registry.dat.

In default.env i only gave the forms_path. is it necessary to give path for reports also. i was told that it is not needed to do since the link of the source files which has both forms and reports has been given in forms_path.

Also in regedit i have the path in forms_path.

my forms and reports are in this path c:\source\Common;c:\source\Pension;c:\source\Templates;. this has been defined in regedit >Forms_path and in default.env>Forms_path.

thats how the forms are working.

I might have missed out on something. i am not sure.
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #593392 is a reply to message #591704] Fri, 16 August 2013 05:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 15
Registered: April 2013
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Hi All,

I had that same problem, then i attached my report to the forms directly from the server, like
(While browsing for report from forms i would select report from the network. I have my server mapped to my network as (Y:\). Then when i select the report filename property of the report will show like Y:\report.rdf , But choosing the file from network, my filename will be something like \\\fal_forms\report.rdf. This address will appear in the filename property of the attached report.)

Something to do with the filename or REPORT_PATH,Then i was able to run my report.

Thanks & Regards

---Every Negative event has within itself the seed of an equal or greater benefit.
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #593397 is a reply to message #593392] Fri, 16 August 2013 06:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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hi sandeep,

thanks for the reply.

I have installed oracle in my laptop and the database and developersuite are in the same laptop. i have not connected it to any server.

i have one doubt. my database is 64 bit and developersuite is in 32 bit. Also some of the reports are working and some are not working.

the ones which are not working gives an error "cannot create rep file".

I am not sure what is the problem. is it anything to do with lower version

Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #600598 is a reply to message #593397] Sat, 09 November 2013 02:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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The issue is with the path not defined in the conf file
1. Open your application home, i.e /u02/OraHome_2/reports/conf
2. Open your report conf file that has your instance name for modification, i.e. vi rep_ebfinreports_oracleas2.conf
3. There is an entry that you will to add defined in the file but you will find it hashed as
<!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/-->
4. insert a new line and make an entry for the reports source path as shown below in my example as I have defined mine
<property name="sourceDir" value="/u02/reports/rep"/>
value /u02/reports/rep is my report path in this case
5. Save the changes and retry running the report, hope it works like mine did
Re: rep-0110:unable to open file [message #627896 is a reply to message #317042] Tue, 18 November 2014 00:03 Go to previous message
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Hi minjire

Sorry for the late reply and opening a old thread. I was not able to work on this issue for some reason. As suggested by you i had a look at the .conf file in my laptop. What you have suggested is for Linux version. In windows my reports conf file was in this path (E:\DevSuiteHome_1\reports\conf) as rep_comp.conf.

figured out <!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/--> as you had mentioned .

<property name="sourceDir" value=" what should the value be here"/>. I did not get this point. My rdf files are in this path "D:\source\Pension". I tried giving this path but yet it did not work.

Could you please correct me where i am going wrong

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