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How to get the value of the item 10g developer suite, 10g ,win xp |
2 |
2306 |
Mon, 16 June 2008 00:17 By: durgadas.menon  |
Unable to insert Record [FRM-40508] Developer 6i, Oracle 9i, Windows Xp/Windows 2003 |
11 |
12137 |
Sun, 15 June 2008 09:13 By: Frank  |
Unnecessary message displayed: 'Do you want to save the changes you made?' forms6i ( Oracle ERP 11.5.9) |
5 |
5466 |
Sat, 14 June 2008 19:18 By: syed_hussain  |
"Too many Declareation" error database 10g , forms 6i , XP SP2 |
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1491 |
Sat, 14 June 2008 04:56 By: Hany Freedom  |
How to display th e data 10g developer suite, 10g ,win xp |
8 |
2277 |
Sat, 14 June 2008 03:45 By: durgadas.menon  |
forms push button color forms6i |
7 |
14810 |
Fri, 13 June 2008 17:49 By: srinivas.k2005  |
set_item_property from another block forms 6i |
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1854 |
Fri, 13 June 2008 15:09 By: Littlefoot  |
Query Records in forms 6i By: blaxmi on Wed, 11 June 2008 |
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4474 |
Fri, 13 June 2008 06:59 By: blaxmi  |
Form navigat to the blank records - Strange Forms 6i, Oracle 9i |
4 |
1479 |
Fri, 13 June 2008 02:54 By: Littlefoot  |
Trying to navigate using first_record, next_record Forms 6i Unix , LInux |
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3105 |
Thu, 12 June 2008 22:35 By: wrwelden  |
How to populate a form blcok through cursor |
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4357 |
Thu, 12 June 2008 13:20 By: Hany Freedom  |
running reports thru forms dynamically 10g |
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1161 |
Thu, 12 June 2008 09:16 By: mandeepmandy  |
Format masking of Numbers Forms 6i Orable 9i By: adchax on Thu, 12 June 2008 |
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1690 |
Thu, 12 June 2008 03:55 By: adchax  |
Function Keys in Forms 10G Oracle Forms 10G |
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4266 |
Thu, 12 June 2008 02:18 By: Frank  |
populate list oracle forms |
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6653 |
Thu, 12 June 2008 01:51 By: azamkhan  |
Procedure Block Forms 6i |
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1340 |
Wed, 11 June 2008 12:40 By: Littlefoot  |
how to check for duplicates in table Oracle 9i |
4 |
2389 |
Wed, 11 June 2008 11:16 By: deahayes3  |
Pl/sql Table problem form 6i |
4 |
2597 |
Wed, 11 June 2008 10:29 By: Martin Eysackers  |
Unable to Run forms from Forms Builder Oracle Deveopler Suite 10g By: saigee on Tue, 20 May 2008 |
13 |
10310 |
Wed, 11 June 2008 02:22 By: Littlefoot  |
Sound when opening the form |
3 |
1357 |
Tue, 10 June 2008 21:40 By: urnikhil  |
inastallation of d2k 6i |
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1456 |
Tue, 10 June 2008 13:16 By: Littlefoot  |
Order by By: kuwait on Mon, 09 June 2008 |
9 |
1782 |
Tue, 10 June 2008 07:13 By: kuwait  |
how to highlight a column in a multirecord database block Forms 6i |
6 |
2587 |
Tue, 10 June 2008 04:42 By: rahul15june  |
Blank Report Developer 6i By: jramya on Mon, 09 June 2008 |
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1084 |
Mon, 09 June 2008 11:03 By: jramya  |
open imp.exe |
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2237 |
Sun, 08 June 2008 07:54 By: Littlefoot  |
forms 9i By: siri on Fri, 06 June 2008 |
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1265 |
Sat, 07 June 2008 11:02 By: ukgweb  |
calling a report from menu ( forms6i ) oracle forms6i /reports |
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1427 |
Sat, 07 June 2008 06:02 By: imran_nu  |
how to make backup and recovery in the form |
1 |
1406 |
Sat, 07 June 2008 05:58 By: imran_nu  |
Blank page(greyed out) displayed when trying to run a LOGON form Forms 9i windows XP By: D109 on Fri, 30 May 2008 |
14 |
4578 |
Fri, 06 June 2008 16:45 By: D109  |
populate lov at run time forms 6i ,xp By: hemu on Wed, 04 June 2008 |
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6029 |
Fri, 06 June 2008 09:16 By: hemu  |
FRM-21011:pl/sql unhandled exception ORA-06502 Oracle 9i on linux(red-hat),form6i on window-xp |
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10469 |
Fri, 06 June 2008 05:39 By: Littlefoot  |
How to Update a column from the other column? By: svloke on Wed, 04 June 2008 |
7 |
2042 |
Thu, 05 June 2008 06:33 By: Littlefoot  |
Oracle Forms Check Box 'FRM-40505' Oracle Developer 6.0 on Windows XP |
7 |
13090 |
Thu, 05 June 2008 04:32 By: Littlefoot  |
ALT + 'Key' to excute query Form6i |
3 |
1470 |
Wed, 04 June 2008 09:48 By: mandeepmandy  |
New forms developer Forms9i By: former on Mon, 02 June 2008 |
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1267 |
Tue, 03 June 2008 08:41 By: mandeepmandy  |
how to suppress the the form error FRM-40654 |
4 |
6817 |
Tue, 03 June 2008 05:48 By: javed.khan  |
Retriving Record from Another Table Windows XP |
3 |
1534 |
Tue, 03 June 2008 03:43 By: Littlefoot  |
to change source table at runtime oracle,10g,windows xp pro |
7 |
2468 |
Tue, 03 June 2008 03:33 By: mailtokkalyan  |
querying a particular record based on date function oracle forms6i |
2 |
1227 |
Mon, 02 June 2008 23:46 By: madhuri_madhav  |
How to convert date twice without using extra variables Forms 6i By: adchax on Mon, 02 June 2008 |
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1257 |
Mon, 02 June 2008 12:18 By: Littlefoot  |