system/manger123 Enterprise Manager Database Control URL - (orcl) : http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:1158/em Your database configuration files have been installed in C:\oracle\product\10.2.0 while other components selected for installation have been installed in C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1. Be cautious not to accidentally delete these configuration files. The iSQL*Plus URL is: http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:5560/isqlplus The iSQL*Plus DBA URL is: http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:5560/isqlplus/dba HTML DB HOSTNAME : AMS-DEVELOPMENT PORT : 1522 DATABASE SERVER NAME : ORCL TABLESPACE NAME : SYSAUX SYSPASSWORD : MANAGER123 HTMLDB : MANAGER123 The Ultra Search URL is: http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:5620/ultrasearch The Ultra Search Administration Tool URL is: http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:5620/ultrasearch/admin Password Manager123 The installation of Oracle Application Server 10g was successful. These instructions are located in C:\product\\OracleAS_1\install\readme.txt for your future reference. You can view the status of the server with the following command: C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\bin\opmnctl status Access the Oracle SOA Suite 10g Application Server Welcome Page via the following URL: http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:8888 Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control via the following URL: http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:8888/em Installation Details: Installation Directory: C:\product\\OracleAS_1 Installation Type: J2EE Server and SOA Suite Installed Components: SOA Suite, Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) and Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) Instance Name: orcl.AMS-DEVELOPMENT Administrator Username: oc4jadmin The log file containing the details of Configuration Asistants is located in C:\product\\OracleAS_1\cfgtoollogs Documentation Online documentation for Oracle Application Server is available at: In order to keep your system up-to-date we encourage you to regularly check for the latest certification and software updates via Oracle Metalink. Oracle Metalink ( will help you get the most out of your Oracle products by providing access to technical information and assistance from Oracle Support Services, including information about: product availability, certification, product alerts, bug information, patches, technical solutions, logging service requests, and more. If you need to find more information on Oracle Integration Products please visit ( You can access the list of ports used by the following command : C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\bin\opmnctl status -l Access the Oracle Web Services Manager through the following URL http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:8888/ccore Access the Oracle Business Rules Author through the following URL http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:8888/ruleauthor Access the Oracle Enterprise Service Bus through the following URL http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:8888/esb Access the Oracle BPEL Process Manager Control through the following URL http://AMS-DEVELOPMENT:8888/BPELConsole Please refer to the following file for a summary of this installation. This file also contains the URLs for the various OWSM components. Filename: owsmsetupinfo.txt Location: C:/product/