Oracle General Ledger: Version : 11.5.0 - Development

Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

GLTRBALD module: Trial Balance - Detail

Current system time is 27-NOV-2005 12:54:29


| Starting concurrent program execution...


Program exited with status -1073741819

Cause:  The program terminated, returning status code -1073741819.

Action:  Check your installation manual for the meaning of this code on this operating system.
APP-FND-01630: Cannot open file d:\oracle\nagacomn\temp\OF3D.tmp for reading

Cause:  USDINS encountered an error when attempting to open file d:\oracle\nagacomn\temp\OF3D.tmp for reading.

Action:  Verify that the filename is correct and that the environment variables controlling that filename are correct.

Action:  If the file is opened in read mode, check that the file exists.  Check that you have privileges to read the file in the file directory.  Contact your system administrator to obtain read privileges.

Action:  If the file is opened in write or append mode, check that you have privileges to create and write files in the file directory.  Contact your system administrator to obtain create and write privileges.
Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running Oracle*Report for your concurrent request 2160588.

Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.


Executing request completion options...

Finished executing request completion options.

Concurrent request completed
Current system time is 27-NOV-2005 12:55:28
