Hi, I have 2 tables on Production CASE and CASE_AUDIT. Table CASE has 13 Million unique Case_IDs. The ralationship between Case and Case_Audit is based on Case_ID. Case_Audit has 46 Million records and Case_ID in Case_Audit table has a reference from Case table. I have added a new field say (NCOL VARCHAR(90)) in Case_Audit table and I will make it NOT NULL after updating that field. Now i want to update that field by a Space eg. ' '. If i fire a normal Update "Update Case_Audit set NCOL=' ';" , It takes around 48 hrs. During the testing of any Solution, I don't want my ROWID to be changed because some of our Reports are based on ROWID. I have followed some approaches, Which r following. 1. ------------------------Bulk Update--------------------------- drop Sequence CASE_SEQ; drop table TEMP_TABLE; create sequence CASE_SEQ Minvalue 1 Maxvalue 999999999999999999999999999 Start With 1 Increment By 1 Cache 100; create table TEMP_TABLE NOLOGGING PARALLEL 4 as select Case_SEQ.Nextval Seq_No,CASE_ID from CASE; Declare TYPE RC_CASE_TYPE IS TABLE OF CASE.CASE_ID%TYPE; v_CASE RC_CASE_TYPE; CURSOR c IS SELECT CASE_ID FROM TEMP_TABLE WHERE SEQ_NO >= 1 and SEQ_NO <= 1000000; BEGIN OPEN c; FETCH c BULK COLLECT INTO v_CASE; FORALL i IN 1 .. v_CASE.count() update CASE_AUDIT set NCOL=' ' where CASE_ID=v_CASE(i); COMMIT; CLOSE c; END; / 2. -----------------------Parallel Update--------------------------- alter table CASE_AUDIT parallel 4; alter session enable parallel dml ; alter session enable parallel query ; update /*+ parallel(a,4) */ CASE_AUDIT set NCOL = ' '; alter session disable parallel dml ; alter session disable parallel query ; alter table CASE_AUDIT noparallel ; / The Performance of Bulk Update is very bad But Parallel Update has produced some good results. But i want some excellent solution from u. Thanks a Ton!