Forum statistics
This page intend to show statistics on forum members and messages.
Member statistics
The following charts give the number of members per country along with, for each country, the percentage of member and the country rank.
- <Unknown> for continent means access via Anonymous Proxy or Satellite Provider or country has not been defined.
- <Unknown> for country means country has not been defined.
- Countries are ascertained with 95% accuracy
In the detailed statistics charts in the zip file at the bottom of this page, you'll find the following columns:
- %ASK column indicates the percentage of members in the country that only asked during the last 3 months.
- %ANSWER column indicates the percentage of members in the country that only answered.
- %BOTH column indicates the percentage of members in the country that both asked and answered.
Zip file which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, also contains the list of countries we put in each "continent".
Statistics are from 1 January 2025.
Evolution line charts have been moved to Forum Statistics next step page.
Forum specific statistics can been found in Forum Statistics (forum details) page.
Poster specific statistics can been found in Forum Statistics (poster details) page.
Statistics per continent
Statistics per country
To get the detailed statistics country per country sorted by country or by number of members, see below.
Active member statistics
Post statistics
The %TOPIC% columns give the statistics for the topics created by members.
<Unknown> means country has not been defined.
Statistics are from 1 January 2025.
Evolution line charts and last year/months ones have been moved to Forum Statistics next step page.
Statistics per continent
Statistics per country
Forum activity along the day
The following chart displays the number of posts during the last 3 months for each GMT/UTC hour of the day.
You can find the same chart for new topics in Forum Statistics next step page.
Forum activity along the week
The following chart displays the number of posts during the last 3 months for each (GMT/UTC) day of the week.
You can find the same chart for new topics in Forum Statistics next step page.
Number of users per number of posts
Detailed statistics
The detailed statistics give you charts on:
- number of members per "continent"
- number of members per country, sorted by country and by number of members
- number of messages and topics per "continent"
- number of messages and topics per country since the beginning, during the last 12 months, the last 3 months and the last month
- messages and topics breakdown per forum since the beginning, during the last 12 months and the last 3 months.
- messages and topics breakdown per country and forum since the beginning, during the last 12 months, the last 3 months and the last month.
It contains data for all countries and not only the above ones.
Download all the stats as a ZIP file
Note: These statistics have been built using GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from