Re: Relational Databases Lack Relationships

From: Norbert_Paul <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 08:05:07 +0100
Message-ID: <n0prv1$gld$>

Eric wrote:
> On 2015-10-27, Norbert_Paul<> wrote:
>> Nicola wrote:
>>> On 2015-10-24 16:29:23 +0000, Eric said:
>>> Another area where the "relational data model turns out to be too poor" (to
>>> quote a popular textbook) is spatial databases. The argument by which
>>> spatial
>>> data do not fit into tabular form, hence the relational model is
>>> unsuitable,
>>> is commonplace.
>> Commonplace but maybe wrong:
> Oh, we knew it was wrong, but thank you for the link to help prove it!
Oh, I didn't know you knew it. Your post made me think you shared Egenhofer's point of view.
You are welcome.

> Eric

Norbert Received on Wed Oct 28 2015 - 08:05:07 CET

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