Re: How to force two entities to point to the same lookup value

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 09:12:27 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Giraffe wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please bear with me I've tried to make my question as terse as possible,
> whilst not appearing confusing (hopefully I've not failed in this regard).
> I'm trying to store a Chart configuration in an Oracle database
> (although I'm hoping that my choice of database will not lead to a
> solution specific to it, since so far my database is not platform, or
> database specific).
> One of these chart entities has two or more axes (one x and at least one
> y) related to it, and each axis relates to zero or more plot entities
> (which store plot information such as plot type, line or columns/bars
> etc). these plot entities relate to a specific item of data that can be
> plotted (and relates to a Unit table).
> So far I have
> relations-> Chart (1-3) Axis (0-many) Plot (Many-1) DataItem
> (I'm assuming I've got this relationship right)
> How can I now insert a relationship with a Unit entity so that I can
> ensure that Axis and Plot can refer to any unit in the unit relation *so
> long as its the same Unit*. I'd like to enforce at a relational level a
> limitation so that any number of plots can be configured for a specific
> axis so long as they are all of the same unit. For instance income and
> outgoings can both be related to an axis since they share the same unit
> of currency. But weight and income cannot be plots that relate to one
> axis since there are two units here and an axis can refer to only one unit.
> It's easy to enforce this in my application but I was hoping to somehow
> put in some kind of constraint at the database level to stop people
> setting up charts with an axis that allows income, weight, and time to
> all be plotted on the same axis.
> Perhaps someone has stored a chart configuration in a database before
> and can offer me some insight.
> Many thanks,
> Giraffe.

Trying to be platform neutral is a recipe for unscalable and lousy performance. Build 95% of the product to be neutral and then, as Oracle does, build a comptability layer that allows you to use best practices on the system.

If you want charting don't reinvent the wheel. Look to what you've already purchase: Oracle Spatial.

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Sat Aug 12 2006 - 18:12:27 CEST

Original text of this message