Re: C# 3.0 with pseudorelational extensions

From: BobTheDataBaseBoy <"xxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 22:48:07 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Alfredo Novoa wrote:
> Interesting news here:
> Regards
> Alfredo

how's this for conspiracy theory:

having realized that they can't control the XML lemmings who threaten to toss all that is M$ (Bill, of whom i am no friend, is evil, but not an idiot; i guarantee that he sees XML for the joke it is), looks around for some data thingee they can control. hmmm? what have we got???? oh that SQL thingee we got from Sybase all those years ago. which we intend to "integrate" into the operating system (can you say AS/400??).   hmm.


BTDB Received on Fri Sep 16 2005 - 04:48:07 CEST

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