Re: help with normalization

From: David Cressey <>
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 22:02:06 GMT
Message-ID: <yloTe.8521$>

"openleren" <> wrote in message news:43183569$0$8598$
> Hello, is there anyone who can help me with the 'logic' I have to apply
> a normalization?
> Let me be positive: some of you may answer.
> The case: a school timetable
> Student (StudNo, Surname, Forename, address, Class)
> Teacher(StaffNo, Surname, Forename, address)
> Room(RoomNo, description)
> Course(CourseNo, description)
> Class(ClassNo, description, total students in)
> Period(Period)
> These are the one-key tables which are obvious.
> The Period is an integer that increments over one week (eg. period 8 is
> first period of tuesday)
> We need to be able to constuct a timetable in which
> - a teacher can teach several courses
> - a single class has a single course in a certain room
> - a room can not be occupied by two classes in the same period
> - a class can not follow more than one course in one period
> I have problems following Codd's rules in normalizing this situation. I
> would like to see it happening step by step and discuss a bit about it.
> Anyone?
> thank you,
> Jan Vandorpe,
> Belgium
Every year, at about this time, we get a series of requests for help that sound a lot like yours. Even the examples seem oddly familiar. Some of us tend to think that a student is asking for help with the homework.

If you ARE taking a course in data modeling and database design, congratulations! I suggest you tell us exactly that. Some of us will be happy to help you learn the material. This will be more useful to you, in the long run, that doing well on your assignemnts.

If you are NOT taking a formal course in data modeling and database design, here is a website that can give you an overview of this material. It's not as good as a class with a real, live instructor. But at least it's something.

Received on Wed Sep 07 2005 - 00:02:06 CEST

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