ODBC error 3151 with VB4, Access2.0 and Oracle

From: <john2323_at_my-dejanews.com>
Date: 1998/12/23
Message-ID: <75r676$n42$1_at_nnrp1.dejanews.com>#1/1

I have an Oracle database (7.3) and and Access2.0 database. I have created attachments to the Oracle tables from within the Access Database using ODBC
(and Oracle 16-bit ODBC drivers). I can open the tables from within Access
just fine.

I have a VB4.0 app. I issue a db.opendatabase on the Access database. This works fine. When I try to access one of the attached tables, I get an error: Error: 3151: ODBC-connection to 'DSN-name' failed. I can access non-attached tables from the VB4 app.

Why can I see the Oracle tables via ODBC from within the Access database, but cannot access them from the VB program?

People seem to be having this problem a lot, even with more modern tools
(e.g., Access 97, VC 5.0, etc.) Any clues as to what I should be looking
for? The Oracle net easy setup is OK, since I can attach those Oracle tables in the first place. Is there some VB dll that's crucial to all this, or some version of Jet?

Any help, any hints, any whatever are all greatly appreciated. THanks in advance. Reply to the newsgroup, to the address in the header or to BBarpsky_at_BByahoo.com (just remove the XX's to get real e-mail).

John Lawton

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