Re: Forms 4.5 List Item

From: Jennifer Blair <>
Date: 1996/01/18
Message-ID: <4dlfcd$>#1/1

In <> "Stephane C. Godbout" <> writes:

>Good evening,
> I am a new programmer in Oracle and have been able to
>solve most of my problems. However, this one really has me
>stumped. I have in one table values associated with a name
>that can be found in another table (relational).
> I am trying to populate a list box using the names from
>the second table so to be able to update my first table
>depending on the selection from the user.
> Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers.
> Stephane C. Godbout
> Fredericton N.B.

Stephane -

You won't use a popup list. You need to use a LOV - list of values. Look it up in your Forms 4.5 Reference Manual. They're relatively easy to create. Display the name in a display-only item, and be SURE to make it a NON-base table item on your property sheet, or your queries won't work when you run the form.

Good luck!

Write me if you run into any problems.

Jennifer Blair, President
Blair Technical Training
Specializing in On-site Unix and Oracle Training (Have trainers, will travel) Received on Thu Jan 18 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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