Q: OPO Report Headers with vars

From: Esteller Tena <k960393_at_kingston.ac.uk>
Date: 1996/01/17
Message-ID: <4dj7k1$lh2_at_mercury.kingston.ac.uk>#1/1

my addres is: galo_at_ibernet.com

Hi, does anybody know how to make a report with Oracle Power Objects that contains a variable in the page header that depends on  a value of the detail lines.


Peter's results

mathematics A
chemestry B
literature C

--------------------- New page

Peter's results

comp. science A
english D

Thanks in advance
Please answer to my address: galo_at_ibernet.com I don't have acces to the news, and this message was posted from the addres of other person. Received on Wed Jan 17 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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