Oracle 9i: From LAN to Web + WebUtil

From: ptreves <>
Date: 26 Jun 2004 21:30:57 -0700
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] [Quoted] I have a 44 forms application with 7 reports. I have forms calling [Quoted] forms in a 3 level cascade. I also have forms calling reports and forms callings stand alone forms applications.

My application is developed under Oracle Forms/Reports 6i.

I want to upgrade/migrate to Oracle 9i with the iAS (internet Application Server) and the iDS (internet Developer Suite).

I have heard that I will have to change RUN_PRODUCT calls to RUN_REPORT_OBJECT and OPEN_FORMS calls.

  1. Are these modifications involved ?
  2. Am I on the right track here ?
  3. Could I do these modifications with something called WebUtil ?


PT Received on Sun Jun 27 2004 - 06:30:57 CEST

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