Re: Oracle & Modem

From: Rauf Sarwar <>
Date: 20 Jun 2002 18:45:58 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Phil) wrote in message news:<>...
> I am using Oracle on w2K and everything is fine until I connect to the
> internet. If I then close the modem, all Oracle connections are lost
> despite the db running locally. Anyone out there know of an easy
> solution?
> Thanks
> Phil

You can also use not so widely documented BEQ protocol. Setup your tnsnames.ora entry like,

dsn01 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = BEQ)(PROGRAM = <oracle80|oracle>)(ARGV0 = <oracle80|oracle>dsn01)


Change PROGRAM = oracle80|oracle and ARGV0 = <oracle80|oracle> according to your version.

HTH Received on Fri Jun 21 2002 - 03:45:58 CEST

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