Re: java and oracle 8.1.7

From: Mike Alba <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:18:14 GMT
Message-ID: <>


   When you say you have problems with
different jar files, what problems and
what jar files were you using?
[Quoted] The ones from $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc?


Vegard Hanssen wrote:

> I need some help connecting a java-program to the thick jdbc driver.
> Today I connect to the database with:
> Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver").newInstance();
> conn =
> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:_at_<computer>:1521:" +
> sid, user, pwd);
> But I need to connect to a 8.1.7 with encryption, so I have to use the
> oracle client instead of the thin client I'm using today.
> Any suggestion how to do this?
> This should perhaps be a java-problem, but I have tried different
> jar-files and I seem to have problems with the jar-files shipped with
> 8.1.7, so it could be a oracle problem for all I know.
Received on Tue Jun 18 2002 - 17:18:14 CEST

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