Re: Use MS Access to create Oracle Tables?

From: TurkBear <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 12:11:35 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Mainly do not do this; It can, sort of, be used to do that but not very well and it can cause major problems with table names, field names, data types, etc..

Any user who you would want to have create/drop rights on your server should be able to learn a tool like T.O.A.D ( http://www, ) or EzSql ( )

Or maybe Oracle's own tools
( or (

Just my 2c

Jim <> wrote:

>I know next to nothing about MS Access but we have a user that wants
>to create tables in our Oracle 8.1.7 server and we would like to
>support him with some sort of GUI tool. Does anyone know if MS Access
>can be used as a general purpose front end to Oracle that would allow
>a user to create/drop tables, indexes, etc?

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