newsletter from a site about Oracle

From: <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:29:05 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Here is a copy of a newsletter that has a lot of information about Oracle.

+ Weekly Newsletter
+ OracleZone - the place to start for all things related to your
+ Oracle implementations!
+ Write for OracleZone and take home some cash! Stop by the site today
+ to find out more!

Here's what's new! (7/23/2001)

  • Oracle plans 9i certification exams in September posted by OracleZone Staff by: John Hogan - If you're an Oracle DBA, maybe you too should be back in school in September. Oracle is planning to release a new certification track that month for database administrators for its new Oracle 9i database. Read the full article.{B7FF2777-5DAC-4063-9558-17361C2581DD}
  • Oracle high on 9i clustering posted by OracleZone Staff Application clustering, built-in data warehousing functionality and self-tuning capabilities are the top features Oracle is touting in great detail about its new 9i database. Details become downright scarce when the subject turns to pricing, however. Bob Shimp, an Oracle senior director of product marketing, discusses 9i, the heated competition in the database segment and the effect of the open-source movement, in a question-and-answer interview with searchDatabase. Read the{93FB0C63-5AD0-4A64-8A8F-E705B9DD58A6}
  • Effective Bug Tracking Process posted by Yaron Sinai Effective Bug Tracking Process Bugs are part of every product development process. How do you track the bugs you find during product development and after? Bugs that are found but not properly tracked might slip away and be discovered by your customers. To avoid this from happening, the testing and development team should work together using a bug-tracking tool. The Bug Life Cycle Model explains how to efficiently use your bug-trac... (more){06A78203-DAFC-4767-A0E0-32E4CA0EA9D6}
  • JUST RELEASED - DBA Assist 6.1 !! posted by OracleZone Staff Over 60 reports, output to Excel, and runs on Windows 2000 !! Click here for DBA Assist 6.1 for Oracle 7,8,8i highlights.{5E1E8DE6-4481-4A52-A2A9-79E3C55CCD19}
  • Oracle Developer Chat posted by OracleZone Staff Oracle Developer Chat with Christine Chan, Senior Product Manager, Oracle: Web Caching, Performance and ESI, Tuesday, July 24 at 10:00 AM PST. Read more information at OTN.{2BA2936D-8015-42CD-9AD8-6A8A224C147C}
  • Space management, Part 1: Giving back posted by OracleZone Staff by John Weeg, Application: Oracle RDBMS 8/8i - We consider disk space as if it's free. The problem occurs when you get used to this idea. When you set up a database, you take educated guesses at your space needs. Usually the guesses are on the high side so you're not stuck when first loading all the data. After the instance runs for a while, you can see just how far off you were and then you can give back some of that space. Over-allocation of space at the file level affects your backup/recovery window, fil... (more){75378B87-6604-4666-A893-E6DDF8E16D93}
  • FREE ORACLE9i iSEMINAR SERIES posted by OracleZone Staff This landmark industry announcement is happening right on your desktop. Take advantage of our free Oracle9i Internet Seminars to learn how Oracle9i can positively impact your business by visiting: FREE Oracle9i iSeminars.{156F5636-9D8E-4DAA-8596-D9333CC3C476}
  • Oracle8 Server Concepts posted by OracleZone Staff This manual describes all features of the Oracle Server, an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). This manual describes how Oracle functions. It lays a conceptual foundation for much of the practical information contained in other Oracle Server manuals. Information in this manual applies to the Oracle Server running on all operating systems. It provides information about the base Oracle Server product and the special options. Read the{A471B5CB-71D4-4CE9-B796-7F805C2B2C2F}
  • Oracle8 Server Reference posted by OracleZone Staff This manual provides reference information about the Oracle8 Server, running on all operating systems. This information includes: Initialization Parameters, Static Data Dictionary, Views, Dynamic Performance, (V$) Views, National Language Support, Database Limits, SQL Scripts, Oracle Wait Events, Enqueue and Lock Names, and Statistics Descriptions. Read article.{7B9E2BA2-BFD7-41AF-87B4-559885D98577}
  • Verity Portal Infrastructure Software to Enhance Oracle Exchange posted by OracleZone Staff Verity, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRTY), the company powering business portals, announced that it has joined the Oracle(R) (Nasdaq: ORCL) Exchange Partner Initiative (OEPI). Part of the Oracle Partner Program (OPP), this initiative links Oracle customers to companies whose software works well with the Oracle Exchange platform, Oracle's business-to-business marketplace software. Verity will integrate its comprehensive infrastructure software into business exchange portals developed with the Oracle Exchange platform. Rea... (more){856760EA-BFD5-453A-8595-3D151974AF52}
  • Oracle First to Streamline Collaborative Content Management posted by OracleZone Staff Aggressively addressing a market expected by IDC to grow to $3 billion this year, Oracle Corp. announced key feature enhancements in Oracle9i designed to provide customers and partners with complete collaborative content management capabilities within two products -- Oracle9i Database and Oracle9i Application Server. Read the complete article.{A3FDDC21-BB96-4ED0-9793-EF90B6791C2B}
  • Oracle and Wingcast To Drive the Next Generation of Telematics posted by OracleZone Staff Oracle and Wingcast, a joint venture of Qualcomm and Ford Motor Company, have joined forces to lead the way in the evolution of telematics, in what is expected to be worth $42-billion by 2010, according to IDC. The alliance will immediately establish an Accelerated Development Center in San Diego, CA, to develop and implement advanced telematics services based on Oracle9i applications and database applications. Read the article at MobileIn... (more){FD6A82C0-08CC-43AC-8C9A-A144BD7E50B4}
  • Oracle to offer free storage posted by OracleZone Staff Businesses will soon be able to store corporate data for free on 'Oracle Files Online' which stores and manages different types of content, such as audio, video, e-mail and documents. Read the full article.{8453E787-9D18-46F5-AC5B-86351AEB25BB}
+ Weekly Newsletter 
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Received on Wed Jul 25 2001 - 01:29:05 CEST

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