Re: ??? Does Linux RedHat7.1 work with Oracle9i ???

From: Steve Holdoway <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 15:42:25 +0200
Message-ID: <>

All together now,,, "OH Yes it does!"

This is what I did to get it running.

Hardware... Dual 800MHzP3, 384MB Ram, 1GB Swap. LVM across a load of old SCSI disks.

System... RedHat 7.1, Kernel 2.4.6 ( 2.4.5 was crap! ), e2fs used after giving up with IBM's JFS which locked up on a regular basis.

Required Patches:

Binutils. I downloaded and installed.

Required software: You need the correct java version. I downloaded and installed, making sure that Oracle's .profile found this version of Java binaries first.

Oracle 9i. I downloaded from

Bodges: Make sure that ORACLE_HOME is set before installing ( I just set up the usual variables in .profile ).

You need to set up the Kernel for semaphores and shared memory stuff before attempting to install - with redhat that needs a kernel rebuild after modifying sem.h and shm.h in /usr/src/linux/include/linux. Min values are in the docs.

What I then did was just to install the software ( it's one of the options in the build phase ), and then attempt to build a database when that had succeeded.

It's working fine now - all I need now is an oracle 9i oci interface for php!

HTH Steve

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 22:18:03 -0400, Jonathan Gennick <> wrote:

>I've heard that you can apply the same sort of patch as was
>required for 8.1.7 and RH 7.0. However, I took the path of
>least resistance and just installed Suse 7.1. My subsequent
>Oracle install was clean.
>Jonathan Gennick
> * *
>On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:57:43 -0400, yakub <>
>>I've been trying to install Oracle9i on Linux Redhat 7.1 . However I
>>continue to have make problems.
>>If anyone has been able to get Redhat 7.1 to work with Oracle 9i.
>>Please let me know what you
>>did to get it to work.
  Received on Sun Jul 22 2001 - 15:42:25 CEST

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