Java in Oracle Question

From: Mark P. Roberts <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:13:42 GMT
Message-ID: <9gl62h$d3l$>

I'm having the following problem.

I have a Java class that loads a .properties files. A system property is set with the full path and file name for the property file. The class loads a Properties object from this file. This is working outside the oracle environment. I am moving this code into Oracle to run as a stored procedure. I have not worked in this environment and am not sure how to proceed. I suspect the answer will look like one of the following (in the order that I think is most likely):

  1. The .properties file is included in the .jar file used to load the java into oracle. The resource schema object for the .properties file is accessed somehow to populate a Properties object.
  2. The contents of the .properties file is somehow added to the system properties and accessed with System.getProperty().
  3. The full path and filename of the .properties file is included in a system property and the file is opened and read directly.

Any information on any technique would be helpful.

Thank You! Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:13:42 CEST

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