Re: Why does 9iAS install a database?

From: Andrew Hardy <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:54:12 GMT
Message-ID: <9gl6hh$ge7$>


[Quoted] "Ca" <> wrote in message news:9gj44l$fhs$
> Hi,
> Why does 9iAS install a database? The database is running on a remote
> server!

Because you are looking at installing the database cache, which is just a snapshot database of the origin database.

> 2.
> On page 1-3 it says:
> Path Environment Variable

> I couldn't find this patch on the MS site. Does somebody know where to
> it up?

Have a look at

Andy Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:54:12 CEST

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