Why does 9iAS install a database?

From: Ca <carpet_at_wanadoo.es>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:53:47 GMT
Message-ID: <9gj44l$fhs$1_at_news.wanadoo.es>


I am working with 8i on NT. I am studying the 9iAS Installation Guide for NT. There are a few questions I have on that documentation piece, maybe somebody has an answer:

On page 2-12 it says:
Port Allocation
Oracle9i Application Server installs another database that listens on port 1521. This
is so only if you install Enterprise Edition and configure Oracle9iAS Database
Cache. To avoid port conflicts, change the port for the origin database listener to be,
for example, 1526.

[Quoted] Why does 9iAS install a database? The database is running on a remote server!

On page 1-3 it says:
Path Environment Variable
If the value of the user's PATH environment variable is over 1,024 bytes, then the
following error may occur when the installer starts up the Oracle HTTP Server
This error can be resolved by doing either one of the following:   Shortening the length of the PATH environment variable.   Downloading a patch from Microsoft to correct the problem in cmd.exe. The patch is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q268722.

[Quoted] I couldn't find this patch on the MS site. Does somebody know where to look it up?

Carsten Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:53:47 CEST

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