Re: Oracle Lite question

From: JJ <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:58:22 GMT
Message-ID: <9h6mo1$5he$>

"Jane Williams" <> wrote in message


> I've never used Oracle Lite, but under other versions of Oracle, the
> utility I'd be looking for would be called "import". The executable
> file name, under Windows, would be something like imp73.exe for Oracle
> 7: sorry, don't use 8i so don't know what it's called there.

I wish they have had include this feature.

> But, I have a nasty feeling that Oracle Lite doesn't include Import,
> which is a pain. Loader, yes, but that's for loading flat files, not
> export files.

Yes, you are right. There is not such feature.

> Try opening up the exported dump file with a text editor. It tends to
> look like a series of SQL commands for re-creating the database. Maybe
> you can do something with that? I've never tried, but it sounds
> possible?

It's a binary file but i can see the CREATE statements. The data is not in SQL form.
Then Oracle 8i and Oracle Lite isn't 100% compatible. You can't copy the CREATE and use them in Oracle Lite.
Oracle should have made an application that uses the dump file, converts the file to Oracle Lite format and then imports it, a import feature.

Joacim Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:58:22 CEST

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