Re: diff bewteen 8i and 9i?

From: Jason <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:45:25 GMT
Message-ID: <9evdcn$tn9$>

[Quoted] Great answer Mark!

Our Oracle sales rep dropped by the other day and didnt come close to the clarity that your answer had !!!

As far as the snobbish posting that the Bakker guy posted... saying to Eric's original post that people shouldnt post such questions but rather should research the Oracle website thoroughly. Thats just a snobbish and arrogant reply from somebody who was probably having a a bad day.

Thats like saying that every "newbie" posting to the group should be flamed and burned at the stake. Hell, our Oracle rep couldnt even gives us a good answer on the Oracle 8i /9i stuff we quizzed her own.

So again... good answer. Might even it pass it along to our Oracle rep :)

To the bakker guy... calm down!!! If you dont have anything good to say or contribute to help somebody needing some help... just dont post anything at all!


Mark Townsend wrote in message ...
>in article 9eoosp$c6l$, Ca at
>wrote on 5/26/01 10:25 AM:
>> Dear Eric,
>> some time ago I asked exactly the same question, however, I still haven't
>> got an answer. Maybe the question is too insignificant for the experts (I
>> mean those who some time ago started out with questions like yours).
>> I will try to find some time and just install 9i on a computer and
>> it for myself. After having gained some experience I will sure post a
>> message.
>> If you find out about it earlier, could you please send me a brief
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Kind regards,
>> Carsten
>> "Eric" <> escribió en el mensaje
>>> Hi,
>>> Can any please explain the difference between 8i and 9iAS.
>>> I thought 8i is their main database product but then why have 9i? Does
>>> include the database program or does it work together with 8i?
>>> Are there any real world examples where you would use each product in a
>>> specific setting?
>>> I have tried reading the docs but as I am new to databases I am having
>>> trouble distinguishing between them.
>>> Any help appreciated,
>>> regards
>>> Eric.
>Carsten and Eric - it is a little confusing. Anyhow, here's the skinny.
>Oracle9i is now a generic term for the infrastructure Oracle provides you
>run your applications on. It consists of two products - an appliction
>and a database. Currently, Oracle9i consists of the Oracle9i Application
>Server (aka iAS), and the Oracle8i database (aka Oracle8i). In about a week
>or two, Oracle9i will consist of the Oracle9i Application Server, and the
>next release of the Oracle8i database, called the Oracle9i Database.
>So you put your data in the back-end database (Oracle8i Database or
>Database), and you run your mid tier applications in the Oracle9i
>Application Server (Dynamic/Static HMTL, Java, Forms, Reports, etc).
>To add to the confusion, the Oracle9i Application Server includes it's own
>copy of the Oracle8i Database - for mid tier data caching. However, YOU
>don't put data there - the application server does it for you when you set
>up mid tier caching of data from the back end.
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:45:25 CEST

Original text of this message