Re: diff bewteen 8i and 9i?

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:47:18 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Jonathan Lewis
Yet another Oracle-related web site:

[Quoted] Practical Oracle 8i:  Building Efficient Databases
Publishers:  Addison-Wesley

Reviews at:

Nuno Souto wrote in message <3b161fc0.860355_at_news-server>...

>On Thu, 31 May 2001 19:12:28 +1000, "Howard J. Rogers"
><> wrote:
>>Incidentally, I forgot to mention: ORA-1555s are a thing of the past,
>>you can now protect rollback required for read-consisitent image
>>for any given length of time (the default appears to be 30 seconds). Must
>>be worth an upgrade for that fact alone, I'd say.
>Hehehe! Not so fast, bro Rogers! It's still possible, we just can
>delay it for quite a while. Or so my reading of David's prezzie lead
>me to believe.
>Not sure exactly how that's gonna work. How the heck are we supposed
>to know what's a sufficient delay? Suck it and see?
[Quoted] Of course, it does require you to specify a tablespace made of files that can autoextend - then it just lets the rollback segments grow as big as necessary. [Quoted] It's a nice easy option for slowing the database down if you want to be lazy and avoid thinking.
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:47:18 CEST

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