Re: Where are icons really stored?

From: Aleksandr Kononov <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:43:54 GMT
Message-ID: <>

UI_ICON [Quoted] [Quoted] By the way there is no reason to reboot your system after modification a registry variable. You must restart Form Builder or Forms Runtime.

Aleksandr Kononov

[Quoted] (Some One Else) wrote in message news:<90AB7A677algernonspamcopnet_at_24.0.3.73>...
> I'm running Oracle forms 6 in Win 98/me. I have iconized buttons. In order
> for the image to display in the button, I have to type in the full path.
> This is annoying and not very portable. In the help file, Oracle names
> several different paths where supposedly files will be found by the run
> time engine: UI_ICON, UI60_ICON, ORACLE_PATH, etc. I've tested almost a
> dozen of these, either by fiddling with the variables in the registry (and
> of course rebooting) or by putting the icons in existing named paths.
> Nothing has worked except specifying the full path (which the Oracle
> documentation says you're not supposed to do!).
> Has anyone gotten button icons to work with just the stem file names?
> Thanks!
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:43:54 CEST

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