Re: Add A User In Oracle 8i

From: Hans Forbrich <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:57:39 GMT
Message-ID: <>

With all due respect, it becomes very tiring to repeat the same information over and over. The most frustrating part for those who contribute answers regularily is that many people don't read the manual. On the flip side, newbies don't know which manual to read.

People want to get up and running quickly and the 'windows attitude' has taught us to install first, ask around, then (as a last resort) look at the manual (most windows software manuals are pretty useless anyway - seem to be geared towards gamers - "how to install; the joy of the game is figuring out how it works").

Frequently those who ask once and get a quick answer don't learn it properly, then get frustrated and either dig in (after a considerable investment in nerves) or more frequently give up and blame the product.

That's one of the reasons I've bored many in this group with the references to and Oracle Essentials - one of the few books that (IMO) takes a good startup approach.

Just as those who answer need to be patient with those who ask, those who ask need to be patient with those who answer.


Jerry Metz wrote:

> I don't know why the folks in this newsgroup are so "into themselves" that they
> can't help you, unless of course they don't know!.
> Anyway, from the start menu go to "Oracle" then "OraHome81" then "DBA Studio". I
> would go thru the tutorial and then if you have further questions, I would go back
> to the Oracle OTN website and download the PDF form of the documentation for this
> tool as well as the rest of the documentation set. You might also want to get used
> to SQL*Plus as it will give you good background into what you are doing to your own
> database. The GUI (and others) just hide what you are actually doing. More good
> luck!
> Jerry
> "Chris ( Val )" wrote:
> > Thanks a million Jerry, worked like a dream...
> > Just a quick question, is there a GUI for 8i
> > personel edition to achieve this, because I only
> > did a typical install as the readme file suggested
> > and I cant find it anywhere. And can you also
> > change the host string with the command line as
> > you have shown rather than editing the Tnsnames.ora
> > file in the oracle directory?
> >
> > Thanks again
> > Chris Val
> >
> > "Jerry Metz" <> wrote in message
> >
> > | Log in to Oracle SQL*Plus as the system account (password is probably manager)
> > | type the following:
> > | create user xxxxxxxx identified by yyyyyyyy;
> > | (the x's indicate the new user name and the
> > | y's indicate the password that the new account should use)
> > | then type:
> > | grant dba, connect, resource to xxxxxxxxx;
> > | (where xxxxxxxxxx is the new username)
> > |
> > | You can then log into the database using the new user name and password that
> > | have just created.
> > | Don't forget the semicolon at the end of the commands. Good Luck.
> > | Jerry
> > |
> > | "Chris ( Val )" wrote:
> > |
> > | > Its the first time I've ever installed it and I only
> > | > did it once.
> > | >
> > | > Thanks
> > | > Chris Val
> > | >
> > | > "Scott Mattes" <> wrote in message [Quoted]
> > | > news:_FSH6.16877$
> > | > | Chris,
> > | > | How many times did you install Oracle Personal? :)
> > | > |
> > | > | Go look in, someone has already answered
> > | > | question for someone else.
> > | > |
> > | > | Also, try to search these news groups.
> > | > |
> > | > |
> > | > | "Chris ( Val )" <> wrote in message [Quoted]
> > | > | news:reSH6.16232$
> > | > | > Hi everybody, I've just installed Oracle Personel
> > | > | > edition 8i for the first time, I followed all the instructions
> > | > | > in the readme file and got it set up and tested fine on
> > | > | > my machine Win98 SE.
> > | > | >
> > | > | > What I would like to know is this:
> > | > | > Is it possible to add a new user account with the personel
> > | > | > edition of 8i?
> > | > | > I have looked everywhere but cannot find anywhere where
> > | > | > to do this, I did a typical install as the readme file suggested
> > | > | > so is it also possible that the administration part for adding
> > | > | > user accounts was not installed by doing this?
> > | > | >
> > | > | > All and any help truely appreciated.
> > | > | > Chris
> > | > | >
> > | > | >
> > | > | >
> > | > | >
> > | > | >
> > | > |
> > | > |
> > |
  Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:57:39 CEST

Original text of this message