Re: Oracle JDeveloper

From: Rogier Schoenmakers <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:44:53 GMT
Message-ID: <>


I must say that my version of JDeveloper 3.2 crashes too often as well, though it is quick enough. I don't find it very easy to use, but I've only started my evaluation 2 weeks ago.

One thing I find is that if you put in a SessionInfo component, set it up to connect to the right connection, etc, it will still not connect properly inside the program, so you can't make the links to the database in your RowSetInfo components. If I then save & exit JDeveloper, and open the workspace again, the connection is working... Annoying.

Would any of you know a website where I could find an application, so that I can see what is possible with JDeveloper?(even a simple app would do).


bhogak wrote:

> Did anyone try using Oracle JDeveloper? I am unable to make it behave
> properly. I am really very surprised with the quality of this IDE. It
> crashes all the time and takes lot of time to load.
> I bought the latest JDeveloper book (from Oracle Press) and am trying to
> follow what is there in the book. Somehow it doesn't seem to work. For eg.
> lets say we created a Connection. When we are creating a new Project using
> Business Components Wizard, I don't see the connection I created in the drop
> down box. So I again try to create a new connection and this one too doesn't
> show up. Its so frustrating.
> Visual Age is 10 times better.
> bhogak
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:44:53 CEST

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