Re: Problem with translate function in whereclause.

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 20 Jul 2001 09:32:35 -0700
Message-ID: <>

In article <9j9hhv$135j$>, "Munich" says...
>I think you just pegged it for me. We are not using VARCHAR2 fields, but
>CHAR fields. Here is my example (very similar to yours):
>SQL> create table mam ( lot char(15) not null );
>Table created.
>SQL> insert into mam values ('WHI*');
>1 row created.
>SQL> insert into mam values ('WHITEBOARD');
>1 row created.
>SQL> insert into mam values ('*');
>1 row created.
>SQL> select * from mam where 'WHITEBOARD' like translate (lot,'*?','%_');
>no rows selected

the CHAR type is stored blank padded so, that is like:

where 'WHITEBOARD' like '%                 '

which doesn't match.

Instead, you can:

where 'WHITEBOARD' like translate (rtrim(lot),'*?','%_')

>"Thomas Kyte" <> wrote in message
>> In article <9j7dfn$2nat$>, "Munich" says...
>> >
>> >In my database, I have some fields that contain wildcard characters. Due
>> >the age of the database and its historical roots, the wildcard characters
>> >use are '*' and '?'. For Oracle, I need a select statement that will
>> >effectively translate the '*' to a '%' and the '?' to a '_' in the where
>> >clause. Take a look at this example:
>> >
>> >select record_id, data_field
>> > from tablename
>> > where constant like translate(tablename.data_field,'*?','%_')
>> >
>> >The constant is a non-wildcarded input value from the user.
>> >
>> >I cannot get this select to ever return me a row. However, if I replace
>> >'tablename.data_field' with a literal string, then the select works fine:
>> >
>> >select record_id, data_field
>> > from tablename
>> > where constant like translate('data*','*?','%_')
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> I tried this in 7.3, 8.0 and 8.1 and it worked every time as expected:
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD> create table t ( x varchar2(25) );
>> Table created.
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD>
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD> insert into t values ( 'Hello*World' );
>> 1 row created.
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD> insert into t values ( 'Hello_World' );
>> 1 row created.
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD> insert into t values ( 'H*o_W*_' );
>> 1 row created.
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD>
>> scott_at_ORA734.WORLD> select * from t where 'Hello World' like translate( x,
>> '%_' );
>> X
>> -------------------------
>> Hello*World
>> Hello_World
>> H*o_W*_
>> Can you provide a testcase for us that shows the problem?
>> --
>> Thomas Kyte (
>> Expert one on one Oracle, programming techniques and solutions for Oracle.
>> Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corp

Thomas Kyte (    
Expert one on one Oracle, programming techniques and solutions for Oracle.  
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corp 
Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 18:32:35 CEST

Original text of this message