sql*loader and to_date format

From: Isma <Ismael_at_IballoNOSPAM.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:47:24 +0200
Message-ID: <3B4C58EC.2C7F2C38_at_IballoNOSPAM.com>


I've got a pbem, I use SQL*Loader on W2k to fill a database from a formatted text file :

I've got an error that I can't understand in spite of examples :

sqlldr ballo/password c:\loadglobinfo.dat

where loadglobinfo.dat is :

LOAD DATA INFILE 'g:\inventaire\3com.out' INTO TABLE globinfo(serialn,commande,arrival"to_date(:arrival, [Quoted] 'YYYYMMDD')",modele,marque,inb,commentaire)fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' ;

where 3com.out is text like

7YDB004309,CCP-50:CA1117466(1),"1997-07-31",3000 TX,3COM,0 7YDB004320,CCP-50:CA1117466(1),"1997-07-31",3000 TX,3COM,0,NA57 Van de Vyvre

It tells me SQL*Loader-350 : syntax error at line 1. Expecting keyword INFILE,keyword INTO or end of file, found keywords fields.

(What is it ?)
I see several examples working this way and the keyword infile is ever present ...
I want to know one more things, if the to_date function well usued ?..

TIA Received on Wed Jul 11 2001 - 15:47:24 CEST

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