Re: How do I get a block record count ?

From: Daniel A. Morgan <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 13:57:29 -0700
Message-ID: <>

John wrote:

> For those who are interested, I found the answer.
> In the block you wish to count records in...
> 1) set the block property "precompute_summaries" to YES.
> 2) create a non visible text item, call it "record_count" or similar. Set
> the datatype to number.
> 3) set the item proporties for the "record_count" item as follows.
> a) Calculation mode "summary".
> b) Summary function "Count"
> c) Summary Item "any primary key item name within the block"
> This "record_count" item will now reflect the actual number of records in
> the data block regardless of any updates, deletions, additions.
> John
> "John" <> wrote in message
> news:PGF27.10$
> > This would seem simple enough, but I can't find anything on it in the
> >
> > How do I determine the number of records in a detail block ?.
> >
> > Before commiting I need to make sure there is at least one record, any
> > ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > John
> >
> >

[Quoted] If that is what you are doing another method, presuming at least one of your [Quoted] fields is set to NOT NULL would be to go to the detail block and see if the [Quoted] field has a value.

Daniel A. Morgan Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 22:57:29 CEST

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