Re: Direct NFS anyone?

From: The Boss <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 14:40:24 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Dec 21, 11:01 pm, Noons <> wrote:
> On Dec 22, 8:46 am, The Boss <> wrote:
> > You must be one of those "Manly Men" Kevin Closson wrote about 3,5
> > years ago:
> >
> > <d&r>
> Yes, but there is such a thing as "context".  Kevin is talking about
> 11g. I am not using 11g, so NFS is taken with a great big grain of
> salt at this stage.
> And Kevin says nothing about using it in with various databases
> connected to the same storage facility.  His blog talks about a single
> db test.
> Things are different when you need to connect Peoplesoft and DW and
> DSS to the same fabric...
> But I remain open to dNFS.  With 11gr2.  Sometime next year, if all
> goes well.

I was just kidding a bit, hence the <;-)> We are not using NFS either, nor 11g.
Hell, there even isn't 11g available yet for the "Manly Men" platform we are running Oracle on... ;)

Received on Tue Dec 21 2010 - 16:40:24 CST

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