Re: SQL query

From: Noons <>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 21:43:14 +1100
Message-ID: <id7t7u$7vg$>

Mladen Gogala wrote,on my timestamp of 2/12/2010 2:55 PM:

> I do have feeling that the information is doled out to the privileged few
> and that there is no longer willingness to share the internal information
> or to make necessary tools available without exorbitant fees. My pet
> peeve is the AWR report.

Bingo. And the main reason why I refuse to be a part of the whole "Oracle ACE" circus.

IMHO, the Ace program is the worst thing that could have happened to Oracle's customer relations. Initially, its objective made sense: reward those who "promoted" Oracle and showed their "commitment".

Even if it didn't make much practical sense: most of us here in cdos have ACTUALLY done more to promote Oracle than any "Ace" will ever be able to: heck, I even started Oracle in Australia with 6 other maniacs back in June 1986! Talk about "commitment"...

But nowadays, the whole Ace thing is just a circus. In bad taste, too... Received on Thu Dec 02 2010 - 04:43:14 CST

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