Re: Incompetent Oracle Support

From: John Hurley <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 05:51:58 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>


> 'sOK, John: you need to have been in cdos for over 10 years now to
> understand where that one comes from.
> > Noons has stated numerous times in various places where he is from,
> > and it ain't in Dutch.
> You see: in Australia, the sort of comment made by Serge would land
> him in legal trouble - discrimination in any shape and format is a
> crime here.
> In the US? Ah well, it's the land of freedom...

Serge has always seemed pretty reasonable and open minded to me.

I probably did lose track of what was intended but it seemed to me to possibly be some kind of soccer World Cup joke?

I don't follow soccer at all but wasn't Australia supposed to be pretty good this year? Did they have some kind of bad mess up in the World Cup? Was the Dutch team one of the ones that made it pretty far in the World Cup? Or maybe the Australian womens team did better this year than the mens team?

Dunno ... not sure ... ??? ... but maybe there was some kind of intended soccer joke in there somewhere?

Still clueless about Joel's "Surge Reel Loud" ... but he often leaves me behind! Received on Fri Jul 30 2010 - 07:51:58 CDT

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