Re: Best way to validate cold datafiles

From: Mark D Powell <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 05:32:46 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 12, 12:45 am, DG problem <> wrote:
> on HP-UX
> I'm moving 2TB of data files across onto a new RAID box with the exact
> same symlinked directories.
> What is the best method of checking the files for any corruptions?
> I'm currently using cksum and dbv but this is probably over kill.
> Would dbv be ok since it is much faster?

I am a little unclear if you are just migrating the data files to a new storage device and/or moving the database also.

If you are just manually moving the database data files then using dbv on them is better than just starrting the database and running.

If you use ASM and have enough network card slots on the server you can plug in the new storage unit, add the disk units to the diskgroup(s), remove the old disk units, and let Oracle migrate the data while the database is in use.

If moving both the database datafiles and changing servers then rman duplicate would be an option.

HTH -- Mark D Powell --

, Received on Mon Jul 12 2010 - 07:32:46 CDT

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