Re: Internal imp errors importing 8.1.7 dump file on 10.2

From: joel garry <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 10:12:42 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 5, 6:31 am, Wolfram Rösler <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a 24 GB dump file that was created with Oracle 8.1.7 on AIX,
> which I want to proof-read with 10.2 on Windows, so I did:
> imp system/xxx file=export.dmp fromuser=name touser=name show=y
> It runs fine for a while but then prints the following errors:
>  illegal lob length marker 49408
>  bytesread = 00000000000
> IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2
> IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:
> <07><1e>
> ...
> IMP-00032: SQL statement exceeded buffer length
> These occur several times until IMP-00008 repeats forever (until I
> aborted the import 16 hours later). Importing with a larger buffer
> ("buffer=2000000") made no difference.
> The dump file can be imported without errors and warnings on the
> source machine (8.1.7 on AIX). The original dump file and my copy of
> it have identical CRCs so it's not a corruption issue. I'm running imp
> directly on the DB server so it's not a client/server compatibility
> issue either.
> The export parameters are nothing special:
> exp system/xxx file=export.dmp owner=name consistent=y
> Any idea what's going wrong? Is the dump file ok, and if so, how can I
> import it?
> Thanks for any help
> W. Rösler

The others probably have it right, especially given your CRC comment, but you might want to transfer it back to AIX and diff them, just to be sure. In the distant past, I saw windows silently truncate NFS transferred dump files, the only clue being to look at the end of the file for a couple of EXIT statements, IIRC. This would start happening on my configuration (hpux) at around 20G.


-- is bogus.
Received on Tue Jul 06 2010 - 12:12:42 CDT

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