Re: Oracle 10g, standby creation

From: joel garry <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 10:22:11 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Oct 27, 9:10 am, "Fabrice" <> wrote:

> Thanks for your answer.
> I just want to use the cold backup to create my standby. I prefer do it
> manually and understand all the steps.
> But, if  I don't copy the redologs in my standby from the primary during the
> standby creation I will have only standby redologs. If later, I realize a
> switchover (so my standby is the primary) what redologs Oracle are going to
> use ?
> Not the standby redologs because they are use only for the standby role. Are
> the online redologs in the standby (primary now) going to be created from
> scratch by oracle If I realize a switchover ?
> Thnaks fabrice.

It's been a while since I've done it, but IIRC Oracle creates them when you activate the standby controlfile. I hesitate to say anything though, because I don't know all the modern variants, I don't trust my memory, and I went away from cold backups for this kind of thing long ago.

I applaud you wanting to understand the steps. I'd say, try it and see what errors you hit. You might also consider using Oracle's recommended way and watch things very carefully.

How Recovery Manager Duplicates a Database (note "for standby" differences):

There used to be a white paper about switching over and switching back, but it was kind of complicated and now is handled more sanely by the modern Oracle.


-- is bogus.
"I'm not dead yet!"
Received on Tue Oct 27 2009 - 12:22:11 CDT

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