Re: Problem with with exp

From: Ruud de Koter <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 00:14:08 +0100
Message-ID: <4ae62d3a$0$83250$>

Thanks, Steve,
> On Oct 26, 1:02 pm, ddf <> wrote:
>> And perhaps the OP solved his own problem which is why the original
>> has been removed.
>> David Fitzjarrell

> The responder can probably still see the original, as he isn't posting
> through Google Groups.

for solving the riddle David dumped on my desk. Makes me feel even more like a dinosaur, but at least I got Joel's company while waiting...


Ruud de Koter Received on Mon Oct 26 2009 - 18:14:08 CDT

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