Re: Configuring icons with OAS 10g (Forms application)

From: Michael Austin <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 13:32:57 -0500
Message-ID: <NZmJl.15611$>

Kike wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm getting desperate with the OAS 10g configuration. I'm tring to install a
> Forms & Reports 10g application, and I'm having no problems with the forms &
> reports. But, I'm not able to see the icons (gif format) in runtime. I
> haven't got any problem to see them in developing-time, but I can't see them
> later, with the application running.
> I've been reading a lot of documents about this, but nothing works. I've
> tried to map a virtual directory named "icons" to a physical one also named
> "icons", inside the main application folder. I've tried to pack the icons to
> a JAR file, and adding it to the classpath in the configuration file.
> Nothing :-(
> Any idea? Can anybody explain it to me step-by-step, please? I've got
> installed the Oracle Forms & Reports Services 10g Application Server.
> Thanks a lot.
> Best Regards,
> Kike.

does the OAS server have READ access to those gif files? Received on Mon Apr 27 2009 - 13:32:57 CDT

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