Re: consistent read and LIO question

From: lsllcm <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 05:37:46 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 19, 12:02 am, wrote:
> Hi,
> The index could be a non-unique index.
> The leaf block could have been pinned a second time to check that
> there are no other index values  (id = 1000).
> You could try creating a unique index and run the test again
> regards
> srivenu

Yes, it is non unique index. After change to unique index, it is as same as expected,

The consistent read is 4.

Where can I find the related document about this? Oracle document does not state that the leaf block could have been pinned a second time to chech it again,

Jacky Received on Wed Apr 22 2009 - 07:37:46 CDT

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