Re: unknown files in /tmp

From: Frank Langelage <>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 19:59:50 +0200
Message-ID: <>

ddf wrote:
> On Apr 8, 9:54 am, Frank Langelage <> wrote:

>> I'm running Oracle 11g EE 64bit on Solaris SPARC 10 for testing and
>> developing purposes.
>> $ORACLE_SID=11g.
>> In directory /tmp I found some files I've never seen before:
>> oracle dba 8192 Apr 1 20:47 .SHMDJOXSHM_EXT_0_11g_1
>> oracle dba 8192 Apr 1 20:47 .SHMDJOXSHM_EXT_1_11g_1
>> oracle dba 8192 Apr 1 20:47 .SHMDJOXSHM_EXT_2_11g_1
>> ...
>> oracle dba 8192 Apr 2 05:00 .SHMDJOXSHM_EXT_238_11g_1
>> oracle dba 8192 Apr 2 05:00 .SHMDJOXSHM_EXT_239_11g_1
>> Some of these files were created on startup (April 1st), the other part
>> on 5:00 the day after. No more files since then.
>> Any clue where they come from and how to avoid them in the future?
> Have you looked in the alert.log or queried X$DBGALERTEXT for shared
> memory-related messages?  By the names these would appear to be
> generated by a shared memory daemon or MMON.
> David Fitzjarrell

No exceptional messages at startup.
No entry at all at Apr 2, 05:00. Received on Wed Apr 08 2009 - 12:59:50 CDT

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